COSVAC Study - Expression of Interest

University of Adelaide researchers, led by Associate Professor Grubor-Bauk and Professor Gowans, have developed an Omicron COVID-19 Booster vaccine and are calling for healthy volunteers aged 18 to 55 years old.

The Omicron COVID-19 vaccine was manufactured in Adelaide and will be delivered to participants needle-free. This study will be undertaken at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH). Your participation in this study will benefit development of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 variants, such as the Omicron variant. 

If you would like to express your interest to join the study, please fill your details below and a member of the PARC Clinical Research team from RAH will contact you for a telephone screening. Please contact PARC at (08) 7074 4404 or should you have any further enquiries. 

We are currently looking for:

  • Healthy participants 18 years old and above
  • Recovered from COVID-19 infection or received a COVID-19 vaccine boost more than four months ago.
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SA Health