Advanced Life Support - Level 2

Develop the advanced skills you need to effectively respond to cardiac arrest and critically ill, deteriorating patients, with speed and confidence.

Advanced Life Support Level 2 (ALS2) is a practical two-day course that gives you the opportunity to enhance your critical care skills in several interactive workshops.

With a focus on developing advanced skills in the management of deteriorating patients and cardiac arrest, the course involves a combination of clinical-based simulation and practical skills-station exercises to develop your entire skill set—technical, teamwork and communication.

Master a wide range of critical care topics

This course will provide you with the in-depth knowledge and skills required to:

  • recognise, assess and manage the deteriorating patient using a structured ABCDE approach
  • treat cardiac and/or respiratory arrest, including manual defibrillation
  • manage life-threatening arrhythmias
  • prepare and plan for post-resuscitation care
  • care for the deteriorating patient or patient in cardiac and/or respiratory arrest in special circumstances, i.e. asthma, anaphylaxis, and pregnancy
  • lead a team, work as a team member, and use structured communication skills, including giving an effective handover.

Who should attend?

The course is designed for health care professionals who are expected to apply these life-support skills in their clinical duties, or required to teach them on a regular basis.

Participants include doctors and nurses working in critical care areas (e.g. ED, CCU, ICU, HDU, acute admissions units), resuscitation/medical emergency teams and/or paramedics.

Medical students, nurses and other healthcare providers not mentioned above, may be encouraged to complete the ALS1/Immediate Life Support (ALS1/ILS) course. For information about ALS1/ILS, contact Adelaide Health Simulation. Those with a particular interest in resuscitation can then consider attending the ALS2 course where appropriate.

Prior skills and competence in CPR is an essential prerequisite to attending the course. While the course covers advanced resuscitation skills, it is also designed to develop leadership and team skills in managing such emergencies.

Applicants must either hold a professional health care qualification and current clinical or health care educational appointment, or be in training for an Australian professional health care qualification; and clinical knowledge and experience of critically ill patients is essential.

This is an intensive course and candidates are sent the ALS2 manual one month prior to the course. Candidates are required to complete a pre-course multiple choice question paper to guide preparation.

Will you receive a recognised qualification?

Yes, if you complete the course successfully you’ll receive an Australian Resuscitation Council ALS2 Provider certificate, valid for four years.


To find out more

To learn more about ALS2, visit the Australian Resuscitation Council (external link) website, or contact us directly.