Northern Communities Health Foundation
The Northern Communities Health Foundation (NCHF) was established in 1988, following the closure of the Northern Community Hospital. The hospital, which opened in 1952, provided high-quality facilities and services primarily in the areas of obstetrics and gynaecology, and orthopaedics.

The purpose of the NCHF was to establish a trust fund principally for the benefit of residents in the northern districts, particularly Prospect, Walkerville and Port Adelaide/Enfield, in order to:
- promote and assist health and medical research
- assist projects promoting better health to the community
- embark on projects incidental to the above purposes.
Supporting research
The NCHF maintains the Northern Community Hospital’s focus on physical and psychological well-being.
The NCHF supports the Florey Medical Research Foundation by providing essential funding for: various prizes; the NCHF Visiting Professor Program; top-up scholarships; and the Early Career Researcher Award.
The NCHF accepts bequests, donations, grants, gifts and property of any kind.
For more information on the Northern Communities Health Foundation, please contact:
Josie Gray
Research Fundraising Officer
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Phone: +61 8 8313 9939