Higher Degree by Research Promotional Event

The Florey Postgraduate Conference is the annual calendar highlight for all Higher Degree Research students (HDRs) in the Faculty of Health and Medical Science (FHMS).

This year we are excited to announce that in addition to showcasing the high calibre research being undertaken by our HDR students, the conference will feature an additional information and promotional component aimed at prospective students.

We are delighted to have representatives from themes and areas such as:

  • Student lifecycle support
  • Student Support, Engagement and Health
  • Faculty of Health & Medical Science schools
  • Research groups, institutes and local health networks
  • Industry

This is a fantastic and invaluable opportunity for students to meet a broad range of stakeholders they could share their future Higher Degree by Research journey with.

All prospective students attending will go in the draw to win a door prize! Prize to be announced closer to the event.


Please find the Guests for this year’s conference below.

  • Student lifecycle, opportunity & support

    Adelaide Graduate Research School

    The Adelaide Graduate Research School manages all enquiries for both prospective students and currently enrolled students. Information regarding admissions, international joint awards programs, scholarships and industry opportunities will be available.

    Jointly awarded PhDs

    Special guest Dr Branko Aleksic (Joint PhD Program Coordinator) joining us from Nagoya University, Japan.

    Dr. Aleksic completed training in clinical practice and child psychiatry and his primary research interests revolve around identifying genetic risk factors associated with susceptibility to schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. After obtaining his PhD in Psychiatry/Psychobiology at Nagoya University, Japan he was promoted to assistant professor at the Department of Psychiatry at the Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine.

    Dr. Aleksic coordinates the Joint Degree Program between the Adelaide University and Nagoya University. This unique program has been designed to foster international cooperation and provide PhD students with a comprehensive learning experience that spans across two prestigious institutions. Dr. Aleksic involvement has ensured the quality and success of the educational standards, student experience and the program.

  • Student Support, Engagement and Health

    Adelaide University Fitness Hub

    The Adelaide University Fitness Hub membership is open to students, staff and the general public. It is located at three different campus locations - North Terrace, Roseworthy and Waite. Each facility has an array of modern gym equipment, group fitness classes and experienced trainers to help you achieve your fitness and wellbeing goals.

    Health Sciences Postgraduate Association (HeSPA)

    The Health Sciences Postgraduate Association (HeSPA) brings together postgraduate students in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. They run networking and professional development events, as well as host fun quiz nights for students. HeSPA’s mission is to create supportive environments for postgraduate students to engage and connect with one another and foster professional development, skill development and preparedness for post-HDR careers.

  • Faculty of Health & Medical Science schools

  • Research groups, institutes and local health networks


    Basil Hetzel Institute

    The Basil Hetzel Institute is located at TQEH in Woodville, with research focussed on translational outcomes with an innovative ‘bench to bedside’ approach in which scientific discoveries can be quickly translated into improved patient care and treatment. Research at the Institute is closely linked to the disease and health issues that are most prevalent in the regional community and treated at the hospital. The Institute accommodates a mix of laboratory and clinical research. Research groups comprise of clinical, academic and scientific research staff as well as postgraduate students. Research themes include:  Ageing, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Disease, Clinical Sciences, Health Services & Population, Drug and Vaccine Development and Inflammatory Disease.

    Visit the Basil Hetzel Institute website

    Robinson Research Institute

    The Robinson Research Institute (RRI) is a collective of internationally renowned researchers in human reproduction, pregnancy and child health at the University of Adelaide.  RRI's research focuses on the early stages of life to improve the health and well-being of children and families over the life course and across generations. Their mission is to deliver world-class advances in knowledge of human reproduction, pregnancy and child health and to inform clinical care, policy and practice that will improve health across generations and global communities. RRI research themes include: Fertility and Conception, Pregnancy and Birth, Early Origins of Health and Child and Adolescent Health.

    Visit the Robinson Research Institute website

    South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)

    The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) is South Australia’s independent health and medical research institute which is composed of approximately 800 researchers, many of whom have links to, and work collaboratively with, other research institutes in Australia and overseas working together to solve the biggest health challenges in society today.

    Visit the SAHMRI website

    South Australian immunoGENomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI)

    SAiGENCI is an independent cancer-focused medical research institute located in South Australia; focusing on cancer research and clinical trials, which will include new cutting-edge technologies in immunotherapies and genomics.

    Visit the SAiGENCI website

    Local health networks

    Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN)

    Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) is South Australia’s largest health network, covering almost 30% of the population. CALHN delivers public health services to two major Adelaide hospitals and a range of rehabilitation and mental health facilities. We also deliver specialised community and clinical health services across SA.

    Their ambition is to shape the future of health in South Australia, through world-class care and world-class research.

    The Central Adelaide Local Health Network includes Royal Adelaide Hospital, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, Statewide Rehabilitation Services, Glenside Health Services, SA Dental, SA Pathology, SA Pharmacy, BreastScreen SA, South Australian Medical Imaging, DonateLife SA and SA Prison Health Service.

    Visit the CALHN website

    Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN)

    The Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) is South Australia's leading provider of health services for children, young people and women.

    The WCHN works in partnership with clients and families, the community and other service providers to promote, maintain and restore health.

    Visit the WCHN website

    Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN)

    Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN) is one organisation providing a range of hospital, community and home-based services across multiple sites in the northern and north-eastern Adelaide region.

    We employ more than 6,000 staff and deliver services to more than 400,000 people in our community.

    The Northern Adelaide Local Health Network includes Lyell McEwin Hospital, Modbury Hospital, GP Plus Health Care Centres and Super Clinics and sub-acute and mental health services.

    Visit the NALHN website

  • Industry and Career Services

    GPN Vaccines

    Protecting adults and children from the world’s foremost bacterial pathogen.

    Career Services

    Our mission at the University of Adelaide Career Services is twofold: one, prepare our highly skilled students for their professional careers; and two, connect them with industry and employers.