Connected Conversations | Catherine Stapledon
Despite some changes to her daily routine, PhD candidate and research officer, Catherine Stapledon has been pleasantly surprised at how much she has achieved by working from home over the past few months. Read the full interview here in our latest Connected Conversations.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hey! My name is Catherine Stapledon and I am currently finishing off my PhD whilst working as a research officer at the Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences (AHMS) building in Orthopaedics and Trauma research. I enjoy the work I do because it is hopefully going to contribute to making peoples’ lives happier and healthier in the years to come. I live in Tranmere with three housemates (mum, dad and my sister) and Sammy the cocker spaniel. I’ve been at the Uni for almost 9 years! I love exercising, socialising and eating nice food.
What is your area of research?
I research bones, more specifically the link between Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis.
How has your daily routine been impacted?
The recent changes created a large disruption of my daily routine because working from home is so different from going into the office every day. I think it was a good disruption though because now I know that I can be productive from home as well as at work, which I didn’t know before.
What do you miss most about physically being at University?
I miss the people the most! Also, the research environment at the AHMS building which is fun and vibrant.
Has the current situation enabled you to do more/less in your area of research?
Luckily for me, I haven’t been affected by the current situation as I am currently writing my PhD thesis, so it has been beneficial for me to work from home during this time.
What opportunities do you see for the future?
I can see working from home becoming a lot more common post-COVID-19, and I think that it’s a good thing.
What are you doing to stay motivated?
I have found that sticking to my usual daily routine – waking up at a normal time, having a shower, getting dressed for work – has been one of the best things for staying motivated. As well as going for regular walks and having coffee breaks to help with motivation.
What’s the best advice you have heard to stay positive during this time?
I think we just have to remember that it will be over soon and that there are amazing groups of researchers working towards a vaccine and treatment for the virus.
Name three things you won’t miss about recent restrictions.
I definitely won’t miss not being able to go out for dinner and drinks, as easily as before the social distancing restrictions.
I also won’t miss the feeling I had when I went to the supermarket.
Finally, I won’t miss having to clean down grocery bags after going to the supermarket.
And the three things you won’t forget…
The constant hand washing.
Not being able to hug friends and family.
How much I took things like going to the shops and going out for dinner and interstate travel for granted.