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Connected Conversations | Remi Watson

Remi Watson

Maintaining a study routine has not been easy for nursing student, Remi Watson. But learning some new skills and taking time out to work on her health has had a positive impact on her wellbeing over the past few months. Read the full story in our latest instalment of Connected Conversations.

[Read more about Connected Conversations | Remi Watson]

Connected Conversations | Denice Higgins

Denice Higgins

Working longer than normal and skipping breakfast has been some of the consequences of the past few months for Dr Denice Higgins. We chatted with Denice about her various roles and how working in forensic odontology isn’t something that can be done from home in our latest edition of Connected Conversations.

[Read more about Connected Conversations | Denice Higgins]

Connected Conversations | Rutger de Zoete

Rutger de Zoete

Being part of setting up a brand new school and physiotherapy program during a pandemic has definitely had its challenges for Dr Rutger de Zoete! Added to this, Rutger has not been able to relocate to Adelaide and meet his new colleagues in person. Despite the unusual start to his new role, Rutger has maintained his enthusiasm and productivity over the past few months. Read all about it in our latest instalment of Connected Conversations.

[Read more about Connected Conversations | Rutger de Zoete]

Connected Conversations | Adriana Milazzo

Adriana Milazzo

As a senior lecturer and infectious disease epidemiologist in the School of Public Health, Dr Adriana Milazzo has been studying and teaching students about infectious disease for many years. With public health currently in the spotlight, we talked with Adriana about how she has been actively involved in the frontline response to COVID-19.

[Read more about Connected Conversations | Adriana Milazzo]

Connected Conversations | Sally Morris

Sally Morris

Sally Morris, associate lecturer in speech pathology has been busy preparing the curriculum for the new degree launching in 2021, and providing guest lectures via Zoom. Having never worked from home before it has been a steep learning curve to set boundaries between home and work, and maintain a connection with a virtual audience. Read about Sally’s experience including her tips on separating work from home, in our latest Connected Conversations.

[Read more about Connected Conversations | Sally Morris]

Connected Conversations | David Foley

David Foley

In our next instalment of Connected Conversations, we chatted with Dr David Foley about his extraordinary drive to care for others, especially those facing challenges and needing extra support both in his family, for his students and his community. The Adelaide Nursing School celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and David has been there since it was established, read on to learn about David’s compassionate approach to the past few months.

[Read more about Connected Conversations | David Foley]

Connected Conversations | Judi Nairn

 Judi Nairn

With the exciting arrival of allied health to the University in 2021, Dr Judi Nairn has been very busy over the past few months! As the Academic Lead for Learning and Teaching in the new School of Allied Health Science and Practice, Judi is part of the expert team developing the program for our inaugural cohort of physiotherapy, speech pathology and occupational therapy students. Read our next Connected Conversations to learn how Judi has maintained her wellbeing and love of teaching during this time.

[Read more about Connected Conversations | Judi Nairn]

Connected Conversations | Caroline Miller

Caroline Miller

As the University prepares to return to campus, we met up with a few our staff and students to reflect on the past few months and hear about their hopes for the future. Check out our Connected Conversation with Professor Caroline Miller who has been at the forefront of the COVID-19 policy response.

[Read more about Connected Conversations | Caroline Miller]

Connected Conversations | Anil Powar

Anil Pwoar

Adjusting to a new country as well as university life has been tough at times for first-year dentistry student Anil Powar. But choosing when to view lectures online and ordering Uber Eats most nights have helped with the transition. Read the full interview here.

[Read more about Connected Conversations | Anil Powar]

Connected Conversations | Shona Crabb


Over the past few months, public health has been at the top of our news feeds. For Dr Shona Crabb–a senior public health lecturer and the faculty’s Director for Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion–this time has been a chance to bring society and health to the forefront of our conversations. We caught up with Shona one chilly evening to learn more in our latest edition of Connected Conversations.

[Read more about Connected Conversations | Shona Crabb]