Interdental Cleaning

Removing bacterial plaque is central to prevention and control of gum disease. As such, toothbrushing is recognized as the mainstay of mechanical plaque removal in oral self-care.

Toothbrushing can successfully remove plaque from all tooth sites except interdental sites where plaque tends to accumulate heavily. Therefore, interdental sites are more frequently affected by periodontal disease whereas dental caries is likely to occur interdentally. Accordingly, dental professional bodies worldwide have highlighted the importance of incorporating interdental cleaning in daily oral health routine to maintain good oral health.

The professional pamphlet discusses the latest evidence-based status of interdental cleaning aids including dental floss, toothpicks, interdental brushes and water flossers, and emphasizes the value of making informed decisions by dental practitioners to recommend personalized interdental cleaning tools for their patients.

While describing dental floss in detail, the patient pamphlet outlines the usefulness of other interdental clearing tools and the importance of discussing the most suitable interdental cleaning tool with one's dental practitioner.

Pamphlet orders

Multiple copies of patient pamphlets are available for ordering via the University of Adelaide Online Shop.

How to order

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