Communities, People and Health Research Group

The Communities, People and Health Research Group (CPHRG) is interested in the social context of health and community perspectives on health and wellbeing. This encompasses engaging with the individuals, institutions, and organisations that make up our communities.

Our research focuses on how communities respond to health issues and participate in healthcare, with a particular emphasis on public health. We aim to ensure that the views and experiences of community members, including patients, consumers, and stakeholders, are included in health research, policy, and service delivery. We are particularly interested in factors that influence health outcomes for people and their communities, especially on how culture intersects with health behaviours, health providers, and health policy, and the provision of, and access to, health services. 

Our methodological expertise includes qualitative and quantitative methods, and we often combine these to best address complex health issues.

Our research explores:

  • public understandings of health and health interventions
  • health in a diversity of communities and people
  • health and health understandings in under-served communities.

Our research interests include:

  • counselling and psychotherapy 
  • end-of-life care
  • gender and health 
  • health promotion behaviours, risk management and public health interventions
  • health services research, including within developing countries
  • inclusive policy-making
  • international health
  • public perceptions of alcohol consumption and related policy
  • public understandings of health and risk
  • vulnerable communities including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and people with advanced chronic disease.

Our researchers have extensive experience working with international, national and state governments; and non-government and community-based organisations.

Interested in a postgraduate research degree?

We offer exciting opportunities for researchers at the honours, masters and PhD levels. Our research degrees are open to students from a broad range of backgrounds, and range from basic sciences to clinical research. If you are interested in human health, consider furthering your research career with us.

Honours Degrees

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