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Connected Conversations | Tom Benjamin

For researcher and lecturer, Dr Tom Benjamin the move to online learning has barely changed his routine. Forging ahead with research and online learning courses with just a computer and an internet connection, has seen Tom easily adapt to the recent changes to University life. Discover more in our latest edition of Connected Conversations.
Connected Conversations | Clinton Kempster

Embracing the move to online teaching and relishing the new opportunities that comes with it, is Adelaide Dental School lecturer, Clinton Kempster. We learnt a lot from Clinton about e-learning, the importance of regular check-ins and the strength of our University community in our latest edition of Connected Conversations.
[Read more about Connected Conversations | Clinton Kempster]
Connected Conversations | Kate Sharley

The ‘new normal’ is here as many of us continue to work and learn from home. Limited face-to-face teaching has commenced but campus life as we once knew it is still a little way off. Today, we launch our second series of Connected Conversations with sixth year medical student, Kate Sharley. We recently chatted with Kate about how she’s adapted to the learning online; if she’s feeling more (or less) productive and what it’s like being back on placement.