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Connected Conversations | Melissa Arnold-Chamney

Adelaide Nursing School’s Melissa Arnold-Chamney leads a busy life. On top of being the Year 3 Lead for the Bachelor of Nursing, Melissa is also a part-time PhD student and full-time mother to her 10-year-old son and naughty cat, Horacio. She hopes that her research into improving health care for our Aboriginal communities helps to catalyse positive change in cultural disparities across Australia.
[Read more about Connected Conversations | Melissa Arnold-Chamney]
Connected Conversations | Larry Fazzalari

Dedicating his time to helping Higher Degree by Research students with their experience at the University of Adelaide and, by extension, their life-changing research outcomes, Research Development Officer, Larry Fazzalari, loves the opportunity to meet and work with new people each and every day. Larry spends his spare time either hitting the green or doting on his wife, dog, cats, and ringtail possums in a cosy suburban log cabin.
Connected Conversations | Kirstee Smith

While the global pandemic threw a spanner in the works for many of our students, it inspired health and medical sciences student, Kirstee Smith, to return to complete her final year of studies after a mid-degree gap year. In the post-COVID environment, the 2018 study tour to China that Kirstee took to explore the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now proven to be an invaluable experience as she now looks beyond her studies and into the future of health research.