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Connected Conversations | Shannon Barnes

After a successful career as a registered nurse of 15 years, Shannon Barnes now has her sights set on a PhD. Combining a passion for clinical healthcare and evidence-based research, she proves that the health industry opens doors to endless opportunities.
Connected Conversations | Yoko Brigitte Wang

Science and art might be the furthest apart two disciplines can be but third-year PhD student, Yoko Brigitte Wang, recently found science communication—now combining the best of both worlds. A precursor to her interdisciplinary passions, Yoko’s research focuses on neuroscience and nutritional epidemiology and her inspiration dates back to her high school days.
[Read more about Connected Conversations | Yoko Brigitte Wang]
Connected Conversations | Frank Donnelly

After over 20 years at the University of Adelaide, Associate Professor Frank Donnelly stepped into the Dean of Nursing role amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Between managing the Adelaide Nursing School and continuing his own research, you might find Frank engrossed in the latest sci-fi book or training for his bucket list goal of running a marathon in every state and territory of Australia.
Connected Conversations | Kyla Burman

Associate Lecturer Kyla Burman’s interdisciplinary teaching practice encourages her oral health rural placement students to think laterally about their learning. Putting a spin on their ‘Whyalla Experience’, she guides them towards the next step in their clinical practice while promoting student awareness around rural employment post-graduation.
Connected Conversations | Neha Lalchandani

Public health has suddenly been thrown under the spotlight over the past year thanks to COVID-19 but, for Neha Lalchandani, it goes beyond the pandemic. Now in her second year of a Master of Philosophy (Public Health), Neha’s research blends public health and sustainability to hopefully create a better world for us all.
[Read more about Connected Conversations | Neha Lalchandani]
Connected Conversations | Amelia Winter

Inspired by her own experiences parenting two young children while undertaking her undergraduate studies, PhD student, Amelia Winter, hopes to find the link between health service provision and wellbeing in refugee families' ‘First 1000 Days’.
Connected Conversations | Michael Gilmour

What do you get when you combine health, robots, and acting? Simulation Technician, Michael Gilmour, tells us exactly what. Taking us behind-the-scenes at the state-of-the-art Adelaide Health Simulation (AHS), he reveals there's a little more 'lights, camera, action' than you might expect.