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Integration of General and Oral Health Promotion Satellite Workshop at AHPA’s annual conference
A one-day workshop on the integration of oral and general health promotion will be held on Sunday, June 16, 2013 alongside the Australian Health Promotion Association’s (AHPA) annual conference.
Dr Kate Morgaine, Visiting Researcher - March 2013
Dr Kate Morgaine is a researcher who visited ARCPOH from 4 February to 15 March 2013.
[Read more about Dr Kate Morgaine, Visiting Researcher - March 2013]
PhD Acceptance for Dr Kelly Jones
Dr Kelly Jones’ PhD thesis ‘A prognostic model for priority public dental care’ was passed unanimously with no amendments by examiners in November 2012 and was awarded a Dean’s Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence.
HDR Student Update - Kamal Hanna
The Impact of Patient-Centred Dental Open Educational Resources (OER) on Enhancing Shared Clinical Decision-Making in Dental Practice.
Research Activities - Oral Health Practice Activity Study
The ARCPOH oral health practice activity study aims to capture a detailed picture of the services provided by oral health practitioners.
[Read more about Research Activities - Oral Health Practice Activity Study]
New Staff - Dr Dominic Keuskamp & Carmen Koster
Meet our new staff.
[Read more about New Staff - Dr Dominic Keuskamp & Carmen Koster]
Vice Chancellor Professor Warren Bebbington visits the Centre
The University of Adelaide’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Warren Bebbington visited ARCPOH on the 7th of February 2013 to deliver a presentation and facilitate discussion on the Universities ‘Beacon of Enlightenment’ Strategic Plan for 2013—2023.
[Read more about Vice Chancellor Professor Warren Bebbington visits the Centre]
Directors' Report - March 2013
All ARCPOH staff dedicated some time during February and March to working in small groups to discuss plans and strategies for the near and longer term future for ARCPOH.
Caring for oral health in Australian residential care
Within the increasing older Australian population, there is a significant group at very high risk for developing complex oral diseases and dental problems—institutionalised older adults in Australian residential care facilities.
[Read more about Caring for oral health in Australian residential care]
Oral health of health cardholders attending for dental care in the private and public sectors
Among persons visiting for a check-up, there was little variation in the number of teeth between those who attended in the private sector compared with those who attended publicly. However, among persons visiting for a dental problem the number of teeth was higher for those who attended privately compared with publicly in the 65 years or older age group.