Frequently Asked Questions

  • I want to participate, what do I do?

    If your child was randomly selected to take part in this Study, you can complete the consent form and questionnaire online now using the ID number located on the letter from Services Australia, as the Access code.

    Start Questionnaire

  • What is the purpose of the Study?

    The aim of the National Child Oral Health Study is to gather information on the oral health of Australian children aged 5-14 years. This information, which will be collected from almost 20,000 school-aged children, will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of dental services and factors that influence the oral health of children in Australia. Information collected will also assist in the future planning of dental services and identify risk factors for oral disease in Australian children.

  • How has my child been selected?

    Your child was selected at random from the Medicare database by Services Australia. This allows researchers to capture data from a representative sample of Australia's child population aged 5-14 years.

  • What are we being invited to do?

    Participation in this Study involves completion of a questionnaire by the parent/guardian. In addition, your child may be invited to a free dental examination. A specially trained Dental Therapist or Dentist will conduct the dental examination of your child at your local dental therapy centre or mobile clinic. The questionnaire contains questions about your child's dental practices, dietary intake, use of dental services, general health and household demographics. 

    If you consent to your child's participation in the free dental examination, your local state based NCOHS coordinator will contact you to schedule your child's appointment.

  • How will the study benefit my child?

    This Study will provide essential information of Australia’s child dental health that can be used to develop new programs and policies aimed at improving child dental health.

    The information from this Study will be important for planning dental care for all Australian children. As such, your family’s involvement will make a substantial contribution that will continue to benefit children many years after your input and participation.

    If your child participates in having a dental examination, the dental practitioner conducting the examination will provide you with a written form setting out the results of the examination. They will also provide their opinion of the need to seek dental care. Children who have a dental examination will receive a Colgate gift pack containing dental products (i.e., toothpaste, toothbrush) as a thank you for their participation.

  • What will the dental examination involve?

    The examination involves looking at your child’s mouth and teeth to record information on your child’s teeth.

    Your child, if you consent to their participation, will have a dental examination in a public dental clinic or a mobile clinic by a specially trained Dental Therapist or Dentist, fully registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). The dental examination will take approximately 30 minutes and is similar to a standard dental check-up.

    The dental examination Dentist/Dental Therapist will use a single-use disposable mouth mirror, a sterilised dental explorer/probe and an air/ water spray using a sterilised tip. Stringent infection control protocols will be followed. No dental x-rays or treatment will be provided.

    After the dental screening, your child will receive a written form to let you know the results of the examination. Children who have a dental examination will receive a Colgate gift pack containing dental products (i.e., toothpaste, toothbrush) as a thank you for their participation.



  • Can I be with my child while the examination occurs?

    You are welcome to be with your child during their examination. Please liaise with your local state-based appointment coordinator who will contact you in regard to your child's appointment time.

  • What if my child recently visited the public dental service?

    The study is separate to appointments that are provided by your state public dental service. The dental practitioners conducting examinations for the study are trained to record information on your child’s mouth and teeth that is not recorded in a normal public dental service visit.

  • What if my child attends a private Dentist?

    In order to capture a representative sample of Australian children's oral health, the study needs to assess information from all children, including those that visit a private Dentist. It is important to gain understanding of experiences, levels of disease and characteristics of children who attend all sorts of dental clinics.

  • What if the examination finds a problem with my child’s teeth?

    No treatment services will be provided as part of the study. Your child will receive a form after their examination to let you know the results and if any treatment or follow-up is required.

    Please refer to the table below for public dental services available in your state/territory.

    State Service Provider Contact details
    Australian Capital Territory Canberra Health Services Central Health Intake (02) 5124 9977
    Northern Territory Northern Territory Government

    (08) 8951 6713 - Central Australia and Barkly region

    (08) 8922 6466 Top End, Big Rivers and East Arnhem region

    Queensland Queensland Government

    See website below for contact details of your local public dental clinic

    South Australia SA Dental 1300 008 222
    Tasmania Dental Health Services - Tasmanian Department of Health 1300 011 013
    Victoria Dental Health Services Victoria

    (03) 9341 1000 - Melbourne metro

    1800 833 039 - Outside Melbourne metro

    Western Australia Dental Health Services - Government of Western Australia North Metropolitan Health Service (08) 9313 0555



  • Should I complete all questions on the questionnaire?

    Every question is important to enable researchers at ARCPOH, the University of Adelaide, to develop a representative picture of the oral health of the Australian child population. It is important to complete the questionnaire to the best of your ability, as even an incomplete form may still be useful.

    If there is a question which presents particular difficulty for you, or you are uncertain about, please ring FREECALL 1800 125 794 for advice and clarification.

  • Why are there questions about my household when the study is about my child?

    Australia is made up of many different types of households. Collecting information about the child’s household lets us know whether we are getting information from enough different types of households to reflect the population of children in Australia. Having a good cross-section of households reflected in our data will make it more accurate and meaningful to the whole of the country.

  • I’m concerned about privacy and confidentiality issues. Is the information I provide kept confidential?

    Only the research team directly involved with the project will see the information provided by you. All documents will be maintained in a secure environment and de-identified. No results of the study will refer to individuals, the results published will only refer to different age and community groups.

  • Who do I contact if I have any questions?

    If you have any questions about the project please telephone the study coordinator, Ms Nikkita Dodds, on 1800 125 794 (toll free) or send an email to

  • Public Dental Services for Children

    State or Territory Public Dental Services for Children and Eligibility Websites
    Australian Capital Territory

    Government dental services are available to children between 0 and 14 years who live or attend school in the ACT. Children aged 14-18 who live or attend school in the ACT and are listed on a Services Australia Pension Concession or Health Care Card can also attend a government dental clinic. 

    Dental - Child and Youth
    New South Wales

    All children under 18 years of age who are eligible for Medicare can access free dental care provided by NSW Health at public dental clinics.

    In some locations of NSW, children who attend participating primary schools can get free dental care through the NSW Health Primary School Mobile Dental Program.

    Information for patients - eligibility and how to make appointments
    Information about the Primary School Mobile Dental Program

    Northern Territory

    All children can access free public dental care in the Northern Territory.

    Dental clinics for children


    Children and young people eligible for free public oral health services must be a Queensland resident or attend a Queensland school and be eligible for Medicare. They must also be:
    •    aged four years or older and have not completed Year 10, or
    •    eligible for the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), or
    •    Listed as a dependent on a valid Centrelink concession card.

    Public dental services
    South Australia

    Individuals under 18 years of age can access public dental care through the School Dental Service.
    There are no out-of-pocket costs for the following children.
    •    Children not yet at school.
    •    Children eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS - Medicare).
    •    Children covered by a Pensioner Concession card, Health Care Card or School Card Scheme.

    A small fee may apply for all other children accessing dental care through School Dental Services.

     SA School Dental Service.


    All children up to the age of 18 years can access dental health services from Oral Health Services Tasmania. 

    Dental health services for children


    The Smile Squad school dental program provides free dental care to Victorian public primary school and secondary school students. For more information about Smile Squad visit the Smile Squad Website.

    Children who live in Victoria must fit in the below criteria to be eligible for government dental services.  

    Patient information

    Find your local public dental clinic.

    Western Australia

    The School Dental Service (SDS) provides free dental care to students aged 5 to 16 or until the end of year 11, (whichever comes first) who attend a Western Australian Department of Education recognised school.

    School Dental Service
    Find a School Dental Service clinic

    Child Dental Benefits Scheme

    To get this your child must be all of the following:
    •    0 to 17 years old for at least one day that calendar year
    •    Eligible for Medicare
    •    Getting a payment from us at least once a year, or have a parent getting a payment from us at least once a year.

    Further information about the Child Dental Benefits Scheme

  • I have a concern or complaint about the Study, who do I contact?

    The study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University of Adelaide (approval number H-2023-140) and the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) HREC (approval number 2023/HREA00240). Approval has also been received from individual state and territory Health Departments.

    This research project will be conducted according to the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (Updated 2018). If you have questions or problems associated with the practical aspects of your participation in the project, or wish to raise a concern or complaint about the project, then you should consult the Principal Investigator, Professor Lisa Jamieson, on +61 8 8313 5438.

    If you wish to speak with an independent person regarding concerns or a complaint, the University’s policy on research involving human participants, or your rights as a participant, please contact the Human Research Ethics Committee’s Secretariat on:

    Phone: +61 8 8313 6028
