New Staff - Dr Dominic Keuskamp & Carmen Koster

Meet our new staff.

Dr Dominic Keuskamp

Dr Dominic Keuskamp (Dom) is employed as a Research Associate for two projects under the CRE in Primary Oral Health Care: Successful Ageing & Oral Health and The Oral Health of People with Physical & Intellectual Disabilities. He joins us from Flinders University’s Southgate Institute for Health, Society & Equity, where he worked as a Research Fellow for the NHMRC-funded project 'Changing patterns of work: Impacts on physical and mental health and the mediating role of resiliency and social capital’. His research interests include the impact of work and employment on mental and physical health, the role played by psychosocial factors as mediators, and the underpinning social determinants of health. His most recent publications have focussed on the incidence of bullying, the relationships between casual employment and health, the interplay of agency and structure in the health of casual workers, and the experiences of life outside the workforce for baby boomers.

Carmen Koster

In January 2013, Carmen joined ARCPOH as a Research Officer, she is currently involved with the National Child Oral Health Survey (NCOHS). Previously Carmen gained knowledge of dental research while working at ARCPOH from 2002 to 2007 when she was involved with the Child Fluoride Study and National Survey of Adult Oral Health. Carmen holds a degree in Social Science (Research Methods and Statistics) which she completed in the former West Germany. After working for the University of Wuppertal and University of Essen, Carmen migrated to Australia in 1994. She has over 20 years of research experience predominantly within various state government departments and the University of Adelaide. Carmen is the co-author of several publications in the field of dental and health research. Carmen’s experience and knowledge is with data management and statistical analysis and project planning/management, particularly in the area of social and health sciences.



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