Directors' Report - March 2013

Professor Marco Peres, Centre DirectorProfessor Kaye Roberts-Thomson, Centre Director

All ARCPOH staff dedicated some time during February and March to working in small groups to discuss plans and strategies for the near and longer term future for ARCPOH. It was a rich process that culminated in some important decisions such as the creation of course work for all postgraduate students addressing core issues in Population Oral Health, the implementation of a summer course from 2015, the expansion of international partnerships, and also the reorganisation of some administrative procedures compatible with an organisation as large as ARCPOH .

We would like to emphasise the considerable ARCPOH participation in the most recent International Association for Dental Research (IADR) meeting in Seattle, USA. ARCPOH researchers were responsible for twelve presentations in oral sessions, symposiums, and poster sessions, along with the election of Lisa Jamieson as the future president of the Behavioural, Epidemiological and Health Research Group, and Loc Do as the new International Director of the same Group. This reflects the influential international role of ARCPOH. In addition, Emeritus Professor John Spencer was awarded the prize for 2013 IADR Distinguished Scientist Award for Behavioural, Epidemiologic and Health Services Research.
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