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Congratulations to our HDA Publication Award winners for 2022

This award recognises and promotes research publications of our PhD students, early career researcher (ECR) and mid career researcher (MCR) members. Each awardee receives $500 for their winning publication.

[Read more about Congratulations to our HDA Publication Award winners for 2022]

Congratulations to HDA & CRF PhD Excellence Awardee - Jamal Giri

Congratulations to Jamal Giri one of our Healthy Development Adelaide (HDA) and Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation (CRF) PhD Excellence Award winners for 2023.

[Read more about Congratulations to HDA & CRF PhD Excellence Awardee - Jamal Giri]

Congratulations to HDA & CRF PhD Excellence Awardee - Zahra Padhani

Congratulations to Zahra Ali Padhani one of our Healthy Development Adelaide (HDA) and Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation (CRF) PhD Excellence Award winners for 2023.

[Read more about Congratulations to HDA & CRF PhD Excellence Awardee - Zahra Padhani]

HDA Travel and Development Grant Recipients, round 1 2023

Congratulations to our following members who will each receive $1,000 for round 1 this year towards their conference and/or lab visit collaborations.

[Read more about HDA Travel and Development Grant Recipients, round 1 2023]

Congratulations to our School Communicator for 2023

Zohra Lassi

Congratulations to A/Professor Zohra Lassi, our HDA Schools Communicator for 2023. This award is funded by the Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation (CRF).

[Read more about Congratulations to our School Communicator for 2023]

Women's Excellence in Research Award - CALL OPEN

Open to HDA women mid-career researchers with 5-10 years post PhD undertaking basic or clinical, biomedical or social science research in developmental health, resilience or disease in pregnancy, infancy, childhood or adolescence.

[Read more about Women's Excellence in Research Award - CALL OPEN]

Welcome new partner Wellbeing SA

Wellbeing SA is a state government agency with a long term vision to create a balanced health and wellbeing system that supports improved physical, mental and social wellbeing for all South Australians.

[Read more about Welcome new partner Wellbeing SA]

Welcome New Co-Convenor

A/Professor Zohra Lassi joins us from the Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide. 

[Read more about Welcome New Co-Convenor]

Support HDA - Become a Member!

Support HDA into the future so we can continue to deliver our diverse range of programs to you and South Australia!

[Read more about Support HDA - Become a Member!]

HDA and Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation PhD Excellence Award 2023


[Read more about HDA and Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation PhD Excellence Award 2023]