Congratulations to HDA & CRF PhD Excellence Awardee - Lisa Callahan

Congratulations to Lisa Callahan one of our Healthy Development Adelaide (HDA) and Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation (CRF) PhD Excellence Award winners for 2024.
We thank the CRF for its ongoing financial support of the PhD Excellence Award and its partnership of 17 years helping HDA to foster research excellence and career development in South Australia. This is our 13th cohort and our two winners will each receive $5,000 per annum for 3 years to augment their scholarships.
Lisa Callahan is a PhD candidate within the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University. Lisa’s PhD forms part of the NHMRC-funded ‘Pathways For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Hearing Health: The PATHWAY Project’.
Lisa’s research project focusses on ‘Health professionals, resource use and the detection of otitis media in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’.
This research project aims to provide an understanding of the training and support needs, resource use and facilitators of program outcomes, as viewed by health professionals. This research will use Western and Indigenous research methodologies to achieve the study aims. There are potential applications of this research across allied health, nursing, medicine, public health, paediatrics and Indigenous health.
This project is supervised by A/Professor Jacqueline Stephens, an epidemiologist and co-supervised by A/Professor Eng Ooi an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist from Flinders University. An adjunct team of supervisors include Samantha Harkus, an Audiologist from the National Acoustic Laboratories; Patrick Sharpe, Executive Officer of Far West Community Partnerships, an Aboriginal-led organisation focussed on social change.
“I am exceptionally grateful to Healthy Development Adelaide and the Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation for their support of this project. My hope is that this research will contribute to improved ear health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and enhance support systems for health professionals involved in this space.”