Associate Professor Alex Swarbrick presented at the Adelaide Medical School Distinguished Speaker Series 2022

Associate Professor Alex Swarbrick, Senior Principal Research Fellow and co-leader of the Strategic program in Dynamic Cancer Ecosystems, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney presented a seminar entitled "Solid tumours as cellular ecosystems: new insights into disease stratification and treatment", on 7 April, 2022, in the AHMS Building, University of Adelaide.  The seminar covered how new technologies, including single cell sequencing and high-dimensionality tissue analysis, are enabling new insights into cancer ecosystems, leading to advances in the stratification and treatment of solid cancers.   A/Prof Swarbrick is a developmental biologist with a long-standing interest in how cells in developing embryos control the decision to divide or to differentiate in co-ordination with cell cycle events, as well as how this co-ordination is subverted in cancers.  The seminar was hosted by Prof Wayne Tilley, DRMCRL Director.  

Tagged in breast cancer, prostate cancer, cell cycle