
DRMCRL members have published the following:

  • 2024 publications

    Journal articles

    Shrestha RK, Nassar ZD, Hanson AR, Iggo R, Townley SL, Dehairs J, Mah CY, Helm M, Alizadeh-Ghodsi M, Pickering M, Ghesquiere B, Watt MJ, Quek LE, Hoy AJ, Tilley WD, Swinnen JV, Butler LM, Selth LA.  ACSM1 and ACSM3 regulate fatty acid metabolism to support prostate cancer growth and constrain ferroptosis. Cancer Res. 2024 Apr 24. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-23-1489. Online ahead of print. PMID: 38657108 

    Bhuva DD, Tan CW, Salim A, Marceaux C, Pickering MA, Chen J, Kharbanda M, Jin X, Liu N, Feher K, Putri G, Tilley WD, Hickey TE, Asselin-Labat ML, Phipson B, Davis MJ.
    Library size confounds biology in spatial transcriptomics data. Genome Biol. 2024 Apr 18;25(1):99. doi: 10.1186/s13059-024-03241-7. PMID: 38637899

    Palmieri C, Linden H, Birrell SN, Wheelwright S, Lim E, Schwartzberg LS, Dwyer AR, Hickey TE, Rugo HS, Cobb P, O’Shaughnessy JA, Johnston S, Brufsky A, Tilley WD, Overmoyer B.  
    Activity and safety of enobosarm, a novel, oral, selective androgen receptor modulator, in androgen receptor-positive, oestrogen receptor-positive, and HER2-negative advanced breast cancer (Study G200802): a randomised, open-label, multicentre, multinational, parallel design, phase 2 trial.
    Lancet Oncol 2024 Mar;25(3):317-325. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(24)00004-4. Epub 2024 Feb 8. PMID: 38342115.

    Hosseinzadeh L, Kikhtyak Z, Laven-Law G, Pederson SM, Puiu CG, D’Santos CS, Lim E, Carroll JS, Tilley WD, AR Dwyer, Hickey TE. The Androgen Receptor interacts with GATA3 to transcriptionally regulate a luminal epithelial cell phenotype in breast cancer. Genome Biol 2024 Feb 5;25(1):44. doi: 10.1186/s13059-023-03161-y.  PMID: 38317241; PMCID: PMC10840202.

    Mustafa EH, Laven-Law G, Kikhtyak Z, Nguyen V, Ali S, Pace AA, Iggo R, Kebede
    A, Noll B, Wang S, Winter JM, Dwyer AR, Tilley WD, Hickey TE. Selective
    inhibition of CDK9 in triple negative breast cancer.
    Oncogene. 2024
    Jan;43(3):202-215. doi: 10.1038/s41388-023-02892-3. PMID:
    38001268; PMCID: PMC10786725.

    Achinger-Kawecka J, Stirzaker C, Portman N, Campbell E, Chia KM, Du Q, Laven-Law G, Nair SS, Yong A, Wilkinson A, Clifton S, Milioli HH, Alexandrou S, Caldon E, Song J, Khoury A, Meyer B, Chen W, Pidsley R, Qu W, Gee JMW, Schmitt A, Wong ES, Hickey TE, Lim E, Clark SJ. The potential of epigenetic therapy to target the 3D epigenome in endocrine-resistant breast cancer. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2024 Jan 5. doi: 10.1038/s41594-023-01181-7. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38182927.

  • 2023 publications

    Journal articles

     Raths F, Karimzadeh M, Ing N, Martinez A, Yang Y, Qu Y, Lee TY, Mulligan B, Devkota S,
    Tilley WT, Hickey TE, Wang B,Giuliano AE, Bose S, Goodarzi H, Ray EC, Cui X, Knott SRV.  The molecular consequences of androgen activity in the human breast. Cell genomics. 2023 3(3):100272.

    Dwyer AR, Kerkvliet CP, Truong TH, Hagen KM, Krutilina RI, Parke DN, Oakley RH, Liddle C, Cidlowski JA, Seagroves TN, Lange CA. Glucocorticoid Receptors Drive Breast Cancer Cell Migration and Metabolic Reprogramming via PDK4. Endocrinology. Volume 164, Issue 7 2023

    Horsfall AJ, Chav T, Pederick JL, Kikhtyak Z, Vandborg BC, Kowalczyk W, Scanlon DB, Tilley WD, Hickey TE, Abell AD, Bruning JB. Designing Fluorescent Nuclear Permeable Peptidomimetics to Target Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen. J Med Chem. Aug 10;66(15):10354-10363. 2023

    Prekovic S, Chalkiadakis T, Roest M, Roden D, Lutz C, Schuurman K, Opdam M, Hoekman L, Abbott N, Tesselaar T, Wajahat M, Dwyer AR, Mayayo-Peralta I, Gomez G, Altelaar M, Beijersbergen R, Győrffy B, Young L, Linn S, Jonkers J, Tilley W, Hickey T, Vareslija D, Swarbrick A, Zwart W. Luminal breast cancer identity is determined by loss of glucocorticoid receptor activity. EMBO Mol Med. Oct 30:e17737. 2023

    Huang X, Reye G, Momot K, Blick T, Lloyd T, Tilley WD, Hickey TE, Snell CE, Thompson EW, Hugo HJ. Portable NMR for the investigation of models of mammographic density ex vivo: Androgens antagonise the promotional effect of oestrogen. Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-21, 2023

    Mustafa EH, Laven-Law G, Kikhtyak Z, Nguyen V, Ali S, Pace AA, Iggo R, Kebede A, Noll B, Wang S, Winter JM, Dwyer AR, Tilley WD, Hickey TE. Selective inhibition of CDK9 in triple negative breast cancer. Oncogene. 2023 Nov 24. doi: 10.1038/s41388-023-02892-3. Online ahead of print.

    Wang A… Chambers S, Horvath L, Clements JA, Tilley W, Risbridger GP, Gronberg H, Aly M, Szulkin R, Eklund M, Nordstrom T, Pashayan N, Dunning AM, … Eeles RA, Kote-Jarai Z, Madduri RK, Conti DV, Haiman CA. Characterizing prostate cancer risk through multi-ancestry genome-wide discovery of 187 novel risk variants. Nat Genet. 2023 Nov 9. doi: 10.1038/s41588-023-01534-4. Online ahead of print.

  • 2022 publications

    Journal articles

    Alizadeh-Ghodsi M, Owen K, Townley SL, Zanker D, Rollin SPG, Hanson AR, Shrestha RK, Toubia J, Gargett T, Chernukhin I, Luu J, Cowley KJ, Clark AK, Carroll JS, Simpson KJ, Winter JM, Lawrence MG, Butler LM, Risbridger GP, Thierry B, Taylor RA, Hickey TE, Parker BS, Tilley WD, Selth LA.  Potent stimulation of the androgen receptor instigates a viral mimicry response in prostate cancer. Cancer Res Commun. 2022 2(7):706–724.

    Reports, letters & editorials

    Miyahira AK, Soule HR. The 28th Annual Prostate Cancer Foundation Scientific Retreat report. The Prostate. 2022; 1-32. 

  • 2021 publications

    Journal articles

    Jillson LK, Yette GA, Laajala TD, Tilley WD, Costello JC, Cramer SD. Androgen receptor signalling in prostate cancer genomic subtypes. Cancers (Basel) 2021. 13(13): 3272.

    Hickey TE, Dwyer AR, Tilley WD. Arming androgen receptors to oppose oncogenic estrogen activity in breast cancer. Brit. J Cancer. 2021 153:1-3.

    Davies A, Nouruzi S, Ganguli D, Namekawa T, Thaper D, Linder S, Karaoğlanoğlu F, Omur M, Kim S, Kumar S, Sivak O, Bostock C, Bishop J, Hoogstraat M, Stelloo S, van der Poel H, Bergman A, Ahmed M, Fazli L, Huang H, Tilley W, Goodrich D, Feng F, Gleave M, He H, Hach F, Zwart W, Beltran H, Selth L and Zoubeidi A.  An androgen receptor switch underlies lineage infidelity to drive neuroendocrine prostate cancer.  Nature Cell Biology.  2021 23(9):1023-1034.

    Choo N, Ramm S, Luu J, Winter JM, Selth LA, Dwyer AR, Frydenberg M, Grummet J, Sandhu S, Hickey TE, Tilley WD, Taylor RA, Risbridger GP, Lawrence MG, Simpson KJ. High-throughput imaging assay for drug screening of 3D prostate cancer organoids. SLAS Discovery. 2021 26(9):1107-1124.  

    Centenera MM, Scott JS, Machiels J, Nassar ZD, Miller DC, Zininos I, Dehairs J, Burvenich IJG, Zadra G, Chetta P, Bango C, Evergren E, Ryan NK, Gillis JL, Mah CY, Tieu T, Hanson AR, Carelli R, Bloch K, Panagopoulos V, Waelkens E, Derua R, Williams ED, Evdokioou A, Cifuentes-Rius A, Voelcker NH, Mills IG, Tilley WD, Scott AM, Loda M, Selth LA, Swinnen JV, Butler LM. ELOVL5 is a critical and targetable fatty acid elongase in prostate cancer.   Cancer Res. 2021 81(7):1704-1718.

    Conti DV, Darst BF, Moss LC,  ………. Tilley W …… and Haiman CA. Trans-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of prostate cancer identifies new susceptibility loci and informs genetic risk prediction. Nat Genet. 2021;  53(1):65-75.    Publisher Correction: Trans-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of prostate cancer identifies new susceptibility loci and informs genetic risk prediction.  Nat Genet. 2021 53(3):413.

    Hickey TE, Selth LA, Chia KM, Laven-Law G, Milioli HH, Roden D, Jindal S, Hui M, Finlay-Schultz J, Ebrahimie E, Birrell SN, Stelloo S, Iggo R, Alexandrou S, Caldon CE, Abdel-Fatah TM, Ellis IO, Zwart W, Palmieri C, Sartorius CA, Swarbrick A, Lim E, Carroll JS, Tilley WD.  The androgen receptor is a tumor suppressor in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer.  Nat Med. 2021 27(2):310-320.

    Fernandes RC, Toubia J, Townley S, Hanson AR, Dredge BK, Pillman KA, Bert AG, Winter JM, Iggo R, Das R, Obinata D; MURAL investigators, Sandhu S, Risbridger GP, Taylor RA, Lawrence MG, Butler LM, Zoubeidi A, Gregory PA, Tilley WD, Hickey TE, Goodall GJ, Selth LA.  Post-transcriptional gene regulation by microRNA-194 promotes neuroendocrine transdifferentiation in prostate cancer.  Cell Reports. 34(1):108585.

  • 2020 publications

    Journal articles

    Flach KD, Periyasamy M, Jadhav A, Dorjsuren D, Hickey TE, Opdam M, Patel H, Canisius S, Wilson III DM, Nieuwland M, Kluin R, Zakharov AV, Wesseling J, Wessels LFA, Linn SC, Tilley WD, Simeonov A, Ali S, Zwart W. Endonuclease FEN1 coregulates ERα activity and provides a novel drug interface in tamoxifen resistant breast cancer. Cancer Res. 80(10):1914-1926.

    Huang X, Reye G, Momot KI, Blick T, Lloyd T, Tilley WD, Hickey TE, Snell CE, Okolicsanyi RK, Haupt LM, Ferro V, Thompson EW, Hugo HJ. 2020. Heparanase promotes syndecan-1 expression to mediate fibrillar collagen and mammographic density in human breast tissue cultured ex vivo. Front Cell Dev Biol. 8:599.

    Jankovic-Karasoulos T, Bianco-Miotto T, Butler MS, Butler LM, McNeil CM, O'Toole SA, Millar EKA, Sakko AJ, Ruiz AI, Birrell SN, Sutherland RL, Hickey TE, Tilley WD, Ricciardelli C. 2020. Elevated levels of tumor apolipoprotein D independently predict poor outcome in breast cancer patients. Histopathology. 76(7):976-987.

    Moore NL, Hanson AR, Ebrahimie E, Hickey TE, Tilley WD. 2020. Anti-proliferative transcriptional effects of medroxyprogesterone acetate in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer cells are predominantly mediated by the progesterone receptor. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 199:105548.

    Portman N, Milioli HH, Alexandrou S, Coulson R, Yong A, Fernandez KJ, Chia KM, Halilovic E, Segara D, Parker A, Haupt S, Haupt Y, Tilley WD, Swarbrick A, Caldon CE, Lim E. 2020. MDM2 inhibition in combination with endocrine therapy and CDK4/6 inhibition for the treatment of ER-positive breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res. 22(1):87.

  • 2019 publications

    Journal articles

    Chia K, Milioli H, Portman N, Laven-Law G, Coulson R, Yong A, Segara D, Parker A, Caldon CE, Deng N, Swarbrick A, Tilley WD, Hickey TE, Lim E. 2019. Non-canonical AR activity facilitates endocrine resistance in breast cancer. Endocrine Relat Cancer. 26(2):251-264.

    Tadesse S, Caldon E, Tilley W, Wang S. 2019. Cyclin Dependent Kinase 2 Inhibitors in Cancer Therapy: an Update. J Med Chem. 62(9):4233-251.

    Tarulli GA, Laven-Law G, Shehata M, Walters KA, Denis IM, Rahman MM, Handelsman DJ, Dean NR, Tilley WD, Hickey TE. 2019. Androgen receptor signalling promotes a luminal phenotype in mammary epithelial cells. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 24(1):99-108.

    Warren AY, Massie CE, Watt K, Luko K, Orafidiya F, Selth LA, Mohammed H, Chohan BS, Menon S, Baridi A, Zhao W, Escriu C, Pungsrinont T, D'Santos C, Yang X, Taylor C, Qureshi A, Zecchini VR, Shaw GL, Dehm SM, Mills IG, Carroll JS, Tilley WD, McEwan IJ, Baniahmad A, Neal DE, Asim M. 2019. A reciprocal feedback between the PDZ binding kinase and androgen receptor drives prostate cancer. Oncogene. 38(7):1136-1150.

    Zhang A, O'Brien Lifehouse C, Chiam K, Haupt Y, Fox S, Birch S, Tilley WD, Butler L, Knudsen K, Comstock C, Rasiah K, Grogan J, Mahon K, Bianco-Miotto T, Ricciardelli C, Böhm M, Henshall S, Delprado W, Stricker P, Horvath L, Kench J.  2019. An analysis of a multiple biomarker panel to better predict prostate cancer metastasis after radical prostatectomy. Int J Cancer. 144(5):1151-59.


    Fernandes R, Hickey T, Tilley WD, Selth LA. 2019. Interplay between the androgen receptor signalling axis and microRNAs in prostate cancer. Endocrine Relat Cancer. 26(5):R237-257.

  • 2018 publications

    Journal articles

    Centenera MM, Selth LA, Ebrahimie E, Butler LM, Tilley WD. 2018. New opportunities for targeting the androgen receptor in prostate cancer. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 8(12):a030478 Doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a030478.

    Centenera MM, Hickey TE, Jindal S, Ryan NK, Ravindranathan P, Mohammed H, Robinson J, Schiewer MJ, Ma S, Kapur P, Sutherland PD, Hoffmann CE, Roehrborn CG, Gomella LG, Carroll JS, Birrell SN, Knudsen KE, Raj GV, Butler LM, Tilley WD. 2018. A patient-derived explant (PDE) model of hormone-dependent cancer. Mol Oncol. 12(9):1608-22.

    Dadaev T, Saunders EJ …. Tilley WD …. Kote-Jarai Z. 2018. Fine-mapping of prostate cancer susceptibility loci in a large meta-analysis identifies candidate causal variants. Nat Commun. 9(1):2256.

    Lawrence MG, Obinata D, Sandhudef S, Selth LA, Wong SQ, Porter LH, Lister N, Pook D, Pezaro CJ, Goode DL, Rebello RJ, Clark AK, Papargiris M, Van Gramberg J, Hanson AR, Banks P, Wang H, Niranjan B, Keerthikumar S, Hedwards S, Huglo A, Yang R, Henzler C,  Li Y, Lopez-Campos F, Castro E, Toivanen R, Azad A, Bolton D, Goad J, Grummet J, Harewood L, Kourambas J, Lawrentschuk N, Moon M, Murphy DG, Sengupta S, Snow R, Thorne H, Mitchell C, Pedersen J, Clouston D, Norden S, Ryan A, Dehm SM, Tilley WD, Pearson RB, Hannan RD, Frydenberg M, Furic L, Taylor RA, Risbridger GP. 2018. Patient-derived models of Abiraterone and Enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancer reveal sensitivity to ribosome-directed therapy. Eur Urol. 74(5): 562-572.

    Luo J, Attard G, Balk SP, Bevan C, Burnstein K, Cato L, Cherkasov A, De Bono JS, Dong Y, Gao AC, Gleave M, Heemers H, Kanayama M, Kittler R, Lang JM, Lee RJ, Logothetis CJ, Matusik R, Plymate S, Sawyers CL, Selth LA, Soule H, Tilley W, Weigel NL, Zoubeidi A, Dehm SM, Raj GV. 2018. Role of androgen receptor variants in prostate cancer: report from the 2017 Mission Androgen Receptor Variants Meeting. Eur Urol. 73(5):715-723.

    Pillman KA, Phillips CA, Roslan S, Toubia J, Dredge BK, Bert AG, Lumb R, Neumann DP, Li X, Conn SJ, Liu D, Bracken CP, Lawrence DM, Stylianou N, Schreiber AW, Tilley WD, Hollier BG, Khew-Goodall Y, Selth LA, Goodall GJ, Gregory PA. 2018. miR-200/375 control epithelial plasticity-associated alternative splicing by repressing the RNA-binding protein Quaking. EMBO J. 37(13):e99016.

    Ricciardelli C, Bianco-Miotto T, Jindal S, Butler LM, Leung S, McNeil CM, O'Toole SA, Millar EKA, Sakko AJ, Ruiz AI, Vowler SL, Huntsman DG, Birrel SN, Sutherland RL, Palmieri C, Hickey TE, Tilley WD. 2018. The magnitude of androgen receptor positivity is critical for reliable prediction of disease outcome. Clin Cancer Res. 24(10):2328-41.

    Shafi AA, Schiewer MJ, de Leeuw R, Dylgjeri E, McCue PA, Shah N, Gomella LG, Lallas CD, Trabulsi EJ, Centenera MM, Hickey TE, Butler LM, Raj G, Tilley WD, Cukierman E, Knudsen K. 2018. Patient-derived models reveal impact of the tumor microenvironment on therapeutic response. Eur Urol Oncol. 1(4):325-37.

    Schumacher FR, Al Olama AA …. Tilley WD …. Eeles RA. 2018. Association analyses of more than 140,000 men identify 63 new prostate cancer susceptibility loci.  Nat Genet. 50:928-36.

    Snell CE, Gough M, Liu C, Middleton K, Pyke C, Shannon C, Woodward N, Hickey TE, Armes JE, Tilley WD. 2018. Improved relapse-free survival on aromatase inhibitors in breast cancer is associated with interaction between oestrogen receptor-α and progesterone receptor-b. Br J Cancer. 119(11):1316-1325.

  • 2017 publications

    Journal articles

    Das R, Gregory PA, Fernandes RC, Denis I, Wang Q, Townley SL, Zhao S, Hanson AR, Pickering MA, Armstrong HK, Lokman NA, Ebrahimie E, Davicioni E, Jenkins RB, Karnes RJ, Ross AE, Den RB, Klein E, Chi KN, Ramshaw HS, Williams ED, Zoubeidi A, Goodall GJ, Feng FY, Butler LM, Tilley WD, Selth LA. 2017. MicroRNA-194 promotes prostate cancer metastasis by inhibiting SOCS2. Cancer Res. 77(4):1021-34.

    Miao L, Yang L, Li R, Rodrigues DN, Crespo M, Hsieh JT, Tilley WD, de Bono J, Selth LA, Raj GV. 2017. Disrupting androgen receptor signaling induces snail-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity in prostate cancer. Cancer Res. 77(11):3101-12.

    Nelson AW, Groen AJ, Miller JL, Warren AY, Holmes KA, Tarulli GA, Tilley WD, Katzenellenbogen BS, Hawse JR, Gnanapragasam VJ, Carroll JS. 2017. Comprehensive assessment of estrogen receptor beta antibodies in cancer cell line models and tissue reveals critical limitations in reagent specificity. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 440:138-150.

    Paltoglou S, Das R, Townley SL, Hickey T, Tarulli G, Coutinho I, Fernandes RC, Hanson A, Denis I, Carroll J, Dehm SM, Raj GV, Plymate S, Tilley WD, Selth LA. 2017. Novel androgen receptor co-regulator GRHL2 exerts both oncogenic and anti-metastatic functions in prostate cancer. Cancer Res. 77(13):3417-30.

    Ponnusamy S, Coss CC, Thiyagarajan T, Watts K, Hwang DJ, He Y, Selth LA, McEwan IJ, Duke CB, Pagadala J, Singh G, Wake RW, Ledbetter C, Tilley WD, Moldoveanu T, Dalton JT, Miller DD, Narayanan R. 2017. Novel selective agents for the degradation of androgen receptor variants to treat castration-resistant prostate cancer. Cancer Res. 77(22):6282-98.

    Selth LA, Das R, Townley SL, Coutinho I, Hanson AR, Centenera MM, Stylianou N, Sweeney K, Soekmadji C, Jovanovic L, Nelson CC, Zoubeidi A, Butler LM, Goodall GJ, Hollier BG, Gregory PA and Tilley WD. 2017. A ZEB1-miR-375-YAP1 pathway regulates epithelial plasticity in prostate cancer. 2017. Oncogene. 36(1):24-34.


    Carroll JS, Hickey TE, Tarulli GA, Williams M and Tilley WD. 2017. Deciphering the divergent roles of progestogens in breast cancer. Nat Rev Cancer. 17(1):54-64.

  • 2016 publications

    Journal articles

    Asim M, Massie CE, Orafidiya F, Pértega-Gomes N, Warren AY, Esmaeili M, Selth LA, Zecchini HI, Luko K, Qureshi A, Baridi A, Menon S, Madhu B, Escriu C, Lyons S, Vowler S, Zecchini VR, Shaw G, Hessenkemper W, Russell R, Mohammed H, Stefanos N, Lynch AG, Grigorenko E, D’Santos C, Taylor C, Lamb A, Sriranjan R, Yang J, Stark R, Dehm SM, Rennie PS, Carroll JS, Griffiths JR, Tavaré S, Mills IG, McEwan IJ, Baniahmad A, Tilley WD, Neal DE. 2016. Choline kinase alpha is an androgen receptor chaperone and prostate cancer therapeutic target. J Natl Cancer Inst. 108(5): Article Number djv371.

    Carter S, Centenera MM, Tilley WD, Selth L, Butler LM. 2016. IκBα mediates prostate cancer cell death induced by combinatorial targeting of the androgen receptor.  BMC Cancer. 16(1):141.

    Castro MAA, de Santiago I, Campbell TM, Vaughn C, Hickey TE, Ross E, Tilley WD, Markowetz F, Ponder BAJ, Meyer KB. 2016. Regulators of genetic risk of breast cancer identified by integrative network analysis. Nat Genet. 48(1):12-21.

    Hu DG, Selth LA, Tarulli GA, Meech R, Wijayakumara D, Chanawong A, Russell R, Caldas C, Robinson JL, Carroll JS, Tilley WD, Mackenzie PI, Hickey TE. 2016. Androgen and estrogen receptors in breast cancer coregulate human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases 2B15 and 2B17. Cancer Res. 76(19):5881-93. 

    Philp LK, Day TK, Butler  MS, Laven-Law G, Jindal S, Hickey TE, Scher HI, Butler LM, Tilley WD. 2016. Small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein alpha (SGTA) ablation limits offspring viability and growth in mice. Sci Rep. 6: Article Number 28950. 

    Singhal H, Greene ME, Tarulli G, Zarnke AL, Bourgo RJ, Laine M, Chang Y-F, Ma S, Dembo AG, Raj GV, Hickey TE, Tilley WD, Greene GL. 2016. Genomic agonism and phenotypic antagonism between estrogen and progesterone receptors in breast cancer. Sci Adv. 2(6):e1501924.


    Coutinho I, Day TK, Tilley WD, Selth LA. 2016. Androgen receptor signalling in castration-resistant prostate cancer: a lesson in persistence. Endocrine Relat Cancer. 23(12):T179-T197.

    Lim E, Tarulli G, Portman N, Hickey T, Tilley WD, Palmieri C. 2016. Pushing estrogen receptor around in breast cancer. Endocrine Relat Cancer. 23(12):T227-T241.

    Reports, letters & editorials

    Lim E, Palmieri C, Tilley WD. 2016. Renewed interest in the progesterone receptor in breast cancer. Br J Cancer. 115(8):909-911.

    Tilley WD. 2016. Novel twists in hormone-mediated carcinogenesis. Endocrine Relat Cancer. 23(12):E9-E12.

  • 2015 publications

    Journal articles

    Centenera MM, Carter SL, Gillis JL, Marrocco-Tallarigo DL, Grose RH, Tilley WD, Butler LM. 2015. Co-targeting AR and HSP90 suppresses prostate cancer cell growth and prevents resistance mechanisms. Endocrine Relat Cancer. 22(5): 805-818.

    Chan SC, Selth LA, Li Y, Nyquist MD, Miao L, Bradner JE, Raj GV, Tilley WD, Dehm SM. 2015. Targeting chromatin binding regulation of constitutively active AR variants to overcome prostate cancer resistance to endocrine-based therapies. Nucleic Acids Res. 43(12):5880-97.

    Hickey TE, Irvine CM, Dvinge H, Tarulli GA, Hanson AR, Ryan NK, Pickering MA, Birrell SN, Hu DG, Mackenzie PI, Russell R, Caldas C, Raj GV, Dehm SM, Plymate SR, Bradley RK, Tilley WD*, Selth LA*. (*Co-corresponding authors). 2015. Expression of androgen receptor splice variants in clinical breast cancers. Oncotarget. 6(42):44728-44.

    Mohammed H, Russell IA, Stark R, Rueda OM, Hickey TE, Tarulli GA, Serandour AAA, Birrell SN, Bruna A, Saadi A, Menon S, Hadfield J, Pugh M, Raj GV, Brown GD, D’Santos C, Robinson JLL, Silva G, Perou CM, Stingl J, Caldas C, Tilley WD*, Carroll JS*. (*Co-corresponding authors). 2015. Progesterone receptor modulates ERα action in breast cancer. Nature. 523(7560):313-7.

    Raj GV, Selth LA, Day TK, Tilley WD. 2015. Evolution of androgen deprivation therapy. Cancer Forum 39(3):189-197.

    Tuck AR, Robker RL, Norman RJ, Tilley WD, Hickey TE. 2015. Expression and localisation of c-kit and KITL in the adult human ovary. J Ovarian Res. 8:31.

    Tuck AR, Mottershead DG, Fernandes HA, Norman RJ, Tilley WD, Robker RL, Hickey TE. 2015. Mouse GDF9 decreases KITL gene expression in human granulosa cells. Endocrine. 48(2):686-95.


    Tarulli GA, Laven-Law G, Shakya R, Tilley WD, Hickey TE. 2015. Hormone-sensing mammary epithelial progenitors: emerging identity and hormonal regulation. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 20(1-2):75-91.