Get hands-on experience in our teaching clinics.
At the School of Psychology, we’re proud to partner with teaching clinics to provide vital community services and train the next generation of psychologists and mental health workers.
Our teaching clinics and services enable students to develop professional competence under the guidance of highly experienced supervisors and academics—all of whom are registered psychologists.
In addition, they provide an essential service to the South Australian community, providing timely access to high-quality psychological services for eligible patients.
Master’s students develop real-world psychology skills at our affiliated Adelaide teaching clinics and practices: the Centre for the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression; and Ngartunna Wiltanendi.
DCP Psychological Services – Placement Program
The placement program within Department for Child Protection (DCP) Psychological Services is a collaboration between the South Australian Government and the University of Adelaide.
Students in the Master of Psychology (Clinical) and Master of Psychology (Health), undertake child-focused placements at the clinic under the supervision of an experienced Clinical Psychologist, enabling these students to gain clinical experience working in a child protection context. These placements include psychological work with children and a variety of adults involved in their care.
Students will have an opportunity to conduct a variety of assessments involving children and adults, including areas such as children’s intellectual and academic functioning; children’s social, emotional and behavioural functioning; family relationships between children and their caregivers; and capacity of caregivers to care for children.
Students under supervision also provide consultation and advice to DCP caseworkers in relation to the psychometric assessment, attachment relationships, trauma, abuse and neglect, and well-being of children. There is also opportunity to engage in short-term therapeutic work with children and their caregivers. Referrals to this service come from within DCP.
Centre for Treatment of Anxiety and Depression (CTAD)
The Centre for Treatment of Anxiety and Depression (CTAD) is a free government clinic providing outpatient psychological therapy for anxiety disorders and depression. The clinic is a partnership between the University of Adelaide and SA Health and is one of the largest teaching clinics for psychologists and psychiatrists in Adelaide.
UniHealth Playford GP SuperClinic
UniHealth Playford is a low-cost multidisciplinary clinic that offers a range of primary health, allied health and mental health services. Located at 252 Curtis Road, Munno Para, it is also a teacher and training clinic for medical, nursing, allied health and psychology postgraduate students.
Postgraduate psychology students have an opportunity to work with people with a range of health and mental health concerns across the lifespan and learn to work collaboratively with other health professionals involved in an individual’s care.
To access support at UniHealth Playford from a postgraduate psychology student or registered psychologist, people require a referral from their General Practitioner. Referrals can be faxed to (08) 8254 4555 or posted to PO Box 107, Smithfield SA 5114.