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Caries incidence and increments in older South Australians.

[Read more about Caries incidence and increments in older South Australians.]

Challenges in caries analysis for longitudinal geriatric oral epidemiological studies

[Read more about Challenges in caries analysis for longitudinal geriatric oral epidemiological studies]

Australian dental service provision trends over a 20-year period

[Read more about Australian dental service provision trends over a 20-year period]

Validation of child perception questionnaire in a general child population

[Read more about Validation of child perception questionnaire in a general child population]

Eleven-year change in oral health impacts among elderly South Australians

[Read more about Eleven-year change in oral health impacts among elderly South Australians]

Linear or threshold: what is the socioeconomic-oral health relationship?

[Read more about Linear or threshold: what is the socioeconomic-oral health relationship?]

Perceived busyness and productivity of Australian private general dentists

[Read more about Perceived busyness and productivity of Australian private general dentists]

Public dental service utilisation in South Australia

[Read more about Public dental service utilisation in South Australia]

Oral health inequalities among Indigenous and non-Indigenous children

[Read more about Oral health inequalities among Indigenous and non-Indigenous children]

Changes in dry mouth over time among dentate older people

[Read more about Changes in dry mouth over time among dentate older people]

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