Welcome To hOurHTA!
Our health systems are facing many challenges: disruptive technologies, integration of digital capabilities into healthcare, and environmental concerns such as energy consumption and waste.
We, as experts in health technology assessment, must understand these issues and find a way to develop approaches to address these challenges, so that we can help policy makers make informed choices about health technology regulation, reimbursement and disinvestment. That’s why we have created hOurHTA.
hOurHTA is an initiative of Professor Tracy Merlin of Adelaide Health Technology Assessment, University of Adelaide, who recognised the need for HTA professionals to be able to connect, learn from and share with each other in a virtual community of practice.
Upcoming webinar
Join us for our webinar titled - "Assessing the value of genomic technologies: two novel approaches". We will be joined by A/Prof Ilias Goranitis, who will share his recent research on quantifying the value of genomic technologies, and Dr Drew Carter, who will shed light on the experiences and ethical concerns of people using genetic tests.
What is hOurHTA?
hOurHTA is a community of practice for people working in, or wishing to work in, HTA. It centres around a webinar series. Quarterly hour-long webinars will be themed around topics of pressing and emerging interest and importance to HTA.
They will feature speakers with expertise and experience in these topics. There’ll be time for questions and discussion, and further discussion can be undertaken via our LinkedIn page.
We’ll also periodically feature students undertaking research in HTA, so that they can gain valuable experience presenting and receiving feedback from peers.
Who is hOurHTA for?
hOurHTA is for Australians and New Zealanders who work in, want to work in, or are studying HTA in Australia and New Zealand. Membership is open to people in academia, government and industry, and we will feature speakers from each of these sectors throughout the series.
It’s free to join hOurHTA and webinars are also free.
When will webinars be held?
Webinars will be held around lunchtime on a weekday -exact times will vary according to availability and location of speakers. If you register for a webinar, but then can’t make it, a recording can be made available (subject to presenter consent).
Who's running hOurHTA?
A small group of enthusiasts from Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA) are organising hOurHTA. You can contact us via hOurHTA@adelaide.edu.au or find out more about AHTA here.
How do I join?
We will have a simple form to join the hOurHTA mailing list that, once completed, ensures you are notified when new webinars are scheduled. Click the button below!
You will be invited to register for access to join each session closer to the date.
Got an idea for a topic or speaker, or would you like to volunteer yourself as a speaker?
We’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch at hOurHTA@adelaide.edu.au