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Dean’s commendation for doctoral thesis excellence - Congratulations Raj!
Raj Kumar Shrestha’s PhD thesis work entitled: “Elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying androgen-regulated lipid metabolism in prostate cancer” has been conferred with a Commendation for Doctoral Research Excellence by the Dean of Graduate Studies. Well done Raj! Raj’s PhD work was supported by an Adelaide Scholarship International (ASI), and a Freemasons Centre for Male Health and Wellbeing top-up scholarship.
[Read more about Dean’s commendation for doctoral thesis excellence - Congratulations Raj! ]
Inaugural ”AHMS on Steroids” event
The DRMCRL kick-started a multidisciplinary social interest group of researchers who share the passion and knowledge for steroids/steroid hormone receptors. The “AHMS on Steroids” events aim to create an informal, fun environment for engaging discussions, networking, and collaborative opportunities. As inaugural host, DRMCRL Director Prof Wayne Tilley, welcomed about 30 people from across the AHMS building, Molecular Biosciences, SAHMRI, University of South Australia and Basil Hetzel Institute. We hope this will be the first of many stimulating and rewarding events.