Centre Publications List 2013

See a full list of 2013 Centre publications.


AIHW Dental Statistics and Research Series (internet only)

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Harford JE and Islam S (2013). Adult oral health and dental visiting in Australia: Results from the National Dental Telephone Interview Survey 2010. Dental Statistics and Research Series no. 65. Cat. no. DEN 227. Canberra: AIHW.

Ha DH, Amarasena N and Crocombe L (2013). The dental health of Australia's children by remoteness: Child Dental Health Survey Australia 2009. Dental statistics and research series no. 63. Cat. no. DEN 225. Canberra: AIHW.

Harford JE and Luzzi L (2013). Child and teenager oral health and dental visiting: Results from the National Dental Telephone Interview Survey 2010. Dental Statistics and Research Series no. 64. Cat. no. DEN 226. Canberra: AIHW.

AIHW Working Paper

Chrisopoulos S and Harford JE (2013). Oral health and dental care in Australia: key facts and figures 2012. Cat. no. DEN 224. Canberra: AIHW (internet only).

ARCPOH Published Papers

Data Watch

ARCPOH, Jamieson LM (2013). Oral health and other characteristics of pregnant Aboriginal women compared with general population estimates. Aust Dent J (Data Watch) 58(1):120–4.

ARCPOH, Tan H (2013). Dental behaviours among older adults over an 11-year period. Aust Dent J (Data Watch) 58(2):262–5.

ARCPOH, Jones K (2013). Success for a novel approach to priority-setting in SA public dental clinics. Aust Dent J (Data Watch) 58(3):378–83.

ARCPOH, Pradhan A (2013). Oral health impact on quality of life among adults with disabilities: carer perceptions. Aust Dent J (Data Watch) 58(4):526–30.

Journal Articles

Anikeeva O, Brennan DS and Teusner DN (2013). Household income modifies the association of insurance and dental visiting. BMC Health Serv Res 13:432.

Armfield JM (2013). Predicting dental avoidance among dentally fearful Australian adults. Eur J Oral Sci 121:240–6.

Armfield JM (2013). What goes around comes around: revisiting the hypothesised vicious cycle of dental fear and avoidance. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 41(3):279–87.

Armfield JM and Heaton LJ (2013). Management of fear and anxiety in the dental clinic: a review. Aust Dent J 58(4):390–407.

Armfield JM, Mejía GC and Jamieson LM (2013). Socioeconomic and psychosocial correlates of oral health. Int Dent J 63(4):202–9.

Armfield JM, Spencer AJ, Roberts-Thomson KF and Plastow K (2013). Water fluoridation and the association of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and dental caries in Australian children. Am J Public Health 103(3):494–500.

Arrow P (2013). Child oral health-related quality of life (COHQoL), enamel defects of the first permanent molars and caries experience among children in Western Australia. Community Dental Health 30:183–8.

Arrow P, Raheb, J and Miller M (2013). Brief oral health promotion intervention among parents of young children to reduce early childhood dental decay. BMC Public Health 13:245.

Boing AC, Bertoldi AD, Boing AF, Bastos JL and Peres KG (2013). Access to medicines in the public sector: analysis of users of the Brazilian Unified National Health System. Cad Saúde Pública 29(4):691–701.

Brennan DS (2013). Oral Health Impact Profile, EuroQol, and Assessment of Quality of Life instruments as quality of life and health utility measures of oral health. Eur J Oral Sci 121(3pt1):188–93.

Brennan DS, Anikeeva O and Teusner DN (2013). Dental visiting by insurance and oral health impact. Aust Dent J 58:344–9.

Broughton JR, Maipi JTH, Person M, Thomson WM, Morgaine KC, Tiakiwai S, Kilgour J, Berryman K, Lawrence HP and Jamieson LM (2013). Reducing disease burden and health inequalities arising from chronic disease among indigenous children: an early childhood caries intervention in Aotearoa/New Zealand. BMC Public Health 13:1177.

Carrillo-Diaz M, Crego A, Armfield JM and Romero M (2013). The moderating role of dental expectancies on the relationship between cognitive vulnerability and dental fear in children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 41(3):269–78.

Chrisopoulos S, Luzzi L and Brennan DS (2013). Trends in dental visiting avoidance due to cost in Australia, 1994 to 2010: an age-period-cohort analysis. BMC Health Serv Res 13:381.

Correa MB, Peres MA, Peres KG, Horta BL, Barros AD and Demarco FF (2013). Do socioeconomic determinants affect the quality of posterior dental restorations? A multilevel approach. J Dent 41:960–7.

Crego A, Carrillo-Diaz M, Armfield JM, Romero-Maroto M (2013). Applying the Cognitive Vulnerability Model to the analysis of cognitive and family influences on children’s dental fear. Eur J Oral Sci 121(3 pt1):194–203.

Crocombe LA, Brennan DS and Slade GD (2013). The influence of the volume of dental treatment on change in oral health related quality of life. J Public Health Dent 73:120–6.

Crocombe LA, Mahoney GD, Spencer AJ and Waller M (2013). Will improving access to dental care improve oral health-related quality of life? Aust Dent J 58(2):192–9.

Crocombe LA, Stewart JF, Brennan DS, Slade GD and Spencer AJ (2013). Is clinical oral health poorer in regional areas compared to major city areas? Aust J Rural Health 21:150–7.

Danaei G, Singh GM, Paciorek CJ, Lin JK, Cowan MJ, Finucane MM, Farzadfar F, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Lu Y, Rao M and Ezzati M, on behalf of the Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group (2013). The Global Cardiovascular Risk Transition Associations of Four Metabolic Risk Factors with National Income, Urbanization, and Western Diet in 1980 and 2008. Circulation 127:1493–1502.

Del Duca GF, Nahas MV, de Sousa TF, Mota J, Hallal PC and Peres KG (2013). Clustering of physical inactivity in leisure, work, commuting and household domains among Brazilian adults. Public Health 127:530–7.

Del Duca GF, Nahas MV, Garcia LM, Mota J, Hallal PC and Peres MA (2013). Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of all domains of physical activity in Brazilian adults. Preventive Medicine 56(2):99–102.

Del Duca GF, Nahas MV, Silva DAS, Hallal PC, Malta DC and Peres MA (2013). Physical activity indicators in adults from a state capital in the South of Brazil: a comparison between telephone and face-to-face surveys. Cad Saúde Pública 29(10):2119–29.

Demarco FF, Correa MB, Peres KG, Horta BL, Barros AJ and Peres MA (2013). Multilevel analysis of the association between posterior restorations and gingival health in young adults: a population-based birth cohort. J Clinical Periodontol 40:1126–31.

Figueiredo DR, Peres MA, Luchi CA and Peres KG (2013). Chewing impairment and associated factors among adults. Rev Saúde Pública 47(6):1028–38.

Foo P, Sampson W, Roberts R, Jamieson L and David D (2013). Facial aesthetics and perceived need for further treatment among adults with repaired cleft as assessed by cleft team professionals and laypersons. Eur J Orthod 35(3):341–6.

Freire MCM, Reis SCGB, Figueiredo N, Peres KG, Moreira RS and Antunes JLF (2013). Individual and contextual determinants of dental caries in Brazilian children aged 12 year olds in 2010. Rev Saúde Pública 47(Supl 3):40–9.

Heaton LJ, Mancl LA, Grembowski D, Armfield JM and Milgrom P (2013). Unmet dental need in community-dwelling adults with mental illness: Results from the 2007 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. JADA 144(3):e16–e23.

Höfelmann DA, Diez-Roux A, Antunes JL and Peres MA (2013). Perceived neighbourhood problems: multilevel analysis to evaluate psychometric properties in a Southern Brazilian population. BMC Public Health 13:1085.

Jamieson LM, Divaris K, Parker EJ and Lee JY (2013). Oral health literacy comparisons between Indigenous Australians and American Indians. Community Dental Health 30(1):52–7.

Jamieson LM, Do LG, Bailie RS, Sayers SM and Turrell G (2013). Associations between area-level disadvantage and DMFT among a birth cohort of Indigenous Australians. Aust Dent J 58(1):75–81.

Jamieson LM, Sayers SM and Roberts-Thomson KF (2013). Associations between oral health and height in an Indigenous Australian birth cohort. Community Dental Health 30(1):58–64.

Jayasingha RM, Tilakaratne A, Amarasena N, Mack F and Anandamoorthy T (2013). Impact of marginal contact of removable acrylic partial dentures on periodontal parameters. Int J Res Med Health Sci 1(3):1–11.

Kapellas K, Do LG, Bartold PM, Skilton MR, Maple-Brown LJ, O’Dea K, Brown A, Celermajer DS, Slade GD and Jamieson LM (2013). Effects of full-mouth scaling on the periodontal health of Indigenous Australians: a randomised controlled trial. J Clin Periodontol 40:1016–24.

Kramer PF, Feldens CA, Ferreira SH, Bervian J, Rodrigues PH and Peres MA (2013). Exploring the impact of oral diseases and disorders on quality of life of preschool children. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 41(4):327–35.

Krishna Rao SV, Mejia GC, Roberts-Thomson K and Logan R (2013). Epidemiology of oral cancer in Asia in the past decade – An update (2000–2012). Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 14(10):5567–77.

Liberali SA, Coates EA, Freeman AD, Logan RM, Jamieson LM and Mejia GC (2013). Oral conditions and their social impact among HIV dental patients, 18 years on. Aust Dent J 58(1):18–25.

Lorenzo S, Alvarez R, Blanco S and Peres MA (2013). First oral health survey among adolescent and adult Uruguayan population: Methodological issues. Odontoestomatología 15(Supl.1):8–25.

Luchi CA, Peres KG, Bastos JL and Peres MA (2013). Inequalities in self-rated oral health in adults. Rev Saúde Pública 47(4):1–10.

Mariano Gislon da Silva R, Kupek E and Peres KG (2013). Prevalence of blood donation and associated factors in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina: population-based study in southern Brazil. Cad Saúde Pública 29(10):2008–16.

Marques RAA, Antunes JLF, Sousa MLR, Peres MA and Frazao P (2013). Root caries prevalence and severity in Brazilian adults and older people. Rev Saúde Pública 47(Supl 3):59–68.

Martins ET, Boing AF and Peres MA (2013). Motorcycle accident mortality time trends in Brazil, 1996–2009. Rev Saúde Pública 47(5):931–41.

Melbye MLR and Armfield JM (2013). The dentists’ role in promoting water fluoridation: A call to action for dentists and educators. J Am Dent Assoc 144(1):65–73.

Miranda CDC and Peres MA (2013). Determinants of dental services utilization by adults: a population-based study in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Cad Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro 29(11):2319–32.

Núñez L, Icaza G, Contreras V, Correa G, Canales T, Mejía G, Oxman-Martínez J and Moreau J (2013). Factors associated with dental consultation in children in Talca (Chile) and in Chilean immigrants in Montreal (Canada). Gac Sanit 27(4):344–9. [Spanish]

Peres KG, Cascaes AM, Leao ATT, Cortes MI and Vettore MV (2013). Sociodemographic and clinical aspects of quality of life related to oral health in adolescents. Rev Saúde Pública 47(Supl 3):19–28.

Peres KG, Frazao P and Roncalli AG (2013). Epidemiological pattern of severe malocclusions in Brazilian adolescents. Rev Saúde Pública 47(Supl 3):118–28.

Peres MA, Barbato PR, Reis SCGB, Freitas CHSM and Antunes JLF (2013). Tooth loss in Brazil: analysis of the 2010 Brazil Oral Health Survey. Rev Saúde Pública 47(Supl 3):78–89.

Raheb J and Arrow P (2013). An evaluation of workshop training in motivational interviewing for oral health counsellors. J Contemp Med Edu 1(4):220–4.

Ramos RQ, Bastos JL and Peres MA (2013). Diagnostic validity of self-reported oral health outcomes in population surveys: a literature review. Rev Bras Epidemiol 16(3):716–28.

Silva AER, Menezes AMB, Demarco FF, Ferreira FV and Peres MA (2013). Obesity and dental caries: systematic review. Rev de Saúde Pública 47(4):799–812.

Silva DA, Peres KG, Boing AF, González-Chica DA and Peres MA (2013). Clustering of risk behaviors for chronic noncommunicable diseases: A population-based study in southern Brazil. Preventive Medicine 56(1):20–4.

Silva DSS, Petrosky EL and Peres MA (2013). Accuracy and measures of association of anthropometric indexes of obesity to identify the presence of hypertension in adults: a population-based study in Southern Brazil. European Journal of Nutrition 52:237–46.

Silveira MF, Matijasevich A, Horta BL, Bettiol H, Barbieri MA, Silva AA, Rondo PHC, Lunardelli AN, Peres MA, Gurgel RQ, Cunha AL, Calvano LM, Amin J Jr, Leal MC, Matos ACG, Maranhao AG, Cortez Escalante JJ, Barros AJD, Barros FC and Victora CG (2013). Prevalence of preterm birth according to birth weight group: a systematic review. Rev Saúde Pública 47(5):992–1003.

Slade GD, Sanders AE, Do L, Roberts-Thomson K and Spencer AJ (2013). Effects of fluoridated drinking water on dental caries in Australian adults. J Dent Res 92(4):376–82.

Tarquinio SB, Oliveira LJ, Correa MB, Peres MA, Peres KG, Gigante DP, Horta BL and Demarco FF (2013). Factors associated with prevalence of oral lesions and oral self examination in young adults from a birth cohort in Southern Brazil. Cad Saúde Pública 29(1):155–64.

Teusner DN, Brennan DS and Gnanamanickam ES (2013). Individual dental expenditure by Australian adults. Aust Dent J 58(4):498–506.

Teusner DN, Brennan DS and Spencer AJ (2013). Dental insurance, attitudes to dental care and dental visiting. J Public Health Dent 73(2):103–11.

Vettore MV, Marques RAA and Peres MA (2013). Social inequalities and periodontal disease: multilevel approach in SBBrasil 2010 survey. Rev Saúde Pública 47(Supl 3):29–39.


Jamieson LM, Steffens MA and Paradies YC (2013). Associations between discrimination and dental visiting behaviours in an Aboriginal Australian birth cohort. Aust NZ J Public Health 37(1):92–3 (letter).

DPERU Colgate Dental Education Program

Special Topic No. 8: Association between cardiovascular diseases and periodontal disease – what do we know.

Tagged in News, Research