The 2013 National Dental Telephone Interview Survey

Households around Australian metropolitan and regional areas have been selected at random to participate in the 2013 National Dental Telephone Interview Survey.

The purpose of the Survey is to obtain information about the frequency of dental problems in the community and the types of dental care received. The information, which will be collected from 8,000 people across Australia, will help to develop priorities for dentistry and contribute towards planning future dental services. The survey has been approved by the University of Adelaide Human Research Ethics Committee.

They survey

What is involved?

This Survey will involve an interview by telephone which should take 10 to 15 minutes. A trained interviewer will telephone your home to select an adult from your household to participate in the Survey. The questions will be about dental health, dental services, and social circumstances that influence dental care. In addition, if there are children aged 5–17 years living in this household, one will be selected and the interviewer will ask an appropriate adult to answer a few questions about the child’s dental visiting. In this way we will obtain an accurate picture of dental health in Australia.

Who is conducting the Survey?

Researchers at the Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health at The University of Adelaide are conducting the survey. Participation in the Survey is voluntary, and information supplied will be strictly confidential. The interviewer will be able to explain the Survey in more detail. If you have any queries about the survey please telephone Ms Sarah Harman on 1800 880 061 (toll free) or send an email to

How were names and addresses obtained?

United Directory Systems supplied an electronic white pages product, Australia on Disc Residential, 2012 edition, which lists name and address information available in residential white pages telephone books across Australia. From this list, your household was randomly selected to participate in this research study.

Contacts for Information on Project and Independent Complaints Procedure

The following study has been reviewed and approved by the University of Adelaide Human Research Ethics Committee:

  • Project Title: 2013 National Dental Telephone Interview Survey
  • Approval Number: HS-2013-014

The Human Research Ethics Committee monitors all the research projects which it has approved. The committee considers it important that people participating in approved projects have an independent and confidential reporting mechanism which they can use if they have any worries or complaints about that research.

This research project will be conducted according to the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.


If you have questions or problems associated with the practical aspects of your participation in the project, or wish to raise a concern or complaint about the project, then you should consult the project coordinator:

Liana Luzzi (Project Coordinator)
Phone: (08) 8313 4049

If you wish to discuss with an independent person matters related to:

  • making a complaint, or
  • raising concerns on the conduct of the project, or
  • the University policy on research involving human participants, or
  • your rights as a participant,

Please contact the Human Research Ethics Committee’s Secretariat on phone (08) 8313 6028 or by email to

2010 National Dental Telephone Interview Survey Publications and Reports

Tagged in Events, News, Oral Health Promotion Clearinghouse, Research