Adult access to dental care - Indigenous Australians

Adult access to dental care - Indigenous Australians  describes aspects of oral health and dental services for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian adults between 1994 and 1996. The report compares oral health status, access to dental services and social and economic impacts for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. It also examines publicly funded treatment provided in 1995 and 1996 and compares the oral health status, type of care and services provided to Indigenous and non-Indigenous people from this group.

The findings highlight the lack of information available on this health issue and the need for further research to help planning and policy development in this area. 

David Brennan
Knute Carter

ISSN 1321-0254
ISBN 0 86396 800 7
AIHW Cat. No. DEN 40
Order hardcopy ($13)

Tagged in Research