Projections of the Australian dental labour force


Estimates of the future growth in the Australian dental labour force and modelling of the future capacity of the dental labour force to supply dental visits in Australia are essential to dental labour force planning. In the year 2000 dentists made up over three-quarters of the dental labour force and while their numbers are projected to grow to the year 2015, modelling of their capacity to supply visits showed only marginal increases. Decreases in numbers are projected for dental therapists and prosthetists, while some increase in hygienist numbers is projected. Overall there will be little change in these allied dental practitioners capacity to supply dental visits. Unless recruitment to the dental labour force alters, there will be little growth in the capacity of the dental labour force to supply dental visits.

Dana Teusner
John Spencer

ISBN 1 74024 360 9
ISSN 1449-2008
AIHW Cat. No. POH 1

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