The National Dental Labour Force Data Collection

Australian Dental labour force reports present results from the dental labour force data collections. The collection includes all dentists, dental therapists, dental hygienists and dental prosthetists across Australia.

Reports present the overall numbers and the practice status of the dental labour force in each State and Territory. Other statistics describe the demographic characteristics, geographic distribution, area and type of practice and usual hours worked of the four dental occupational groups. Where possible, trends series are examined.

Also available are papers examining the capacity of the dental labour force to supply dental visits and projecting the capacity of the dental labour force in the future.

[caption id="attachment_131" align="aligncenter" width="475" caption="Dentists labour force, practising rate per 100,000 population by State/Territory, 2000."]Dentists labour force, practising rate per 100,000 population by State/Territory, 2000.[/caption]
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