National Child Oral Health Survey

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National Child Oral Health Survey is to investigate the impact of dental disease in child populations in Australia. Information from these surveys is used to provide evidence about variations in the level of dental disease and evaluate the effectiveness of dental services and various forms of prevention including the fluoridation of reticulated water supplies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Survey?
The purpose of the National Child Oral Health Survey is to investigate the impact of dental disease in child populations in Australia. By doing this we hope to identify means of preventing tooth decay and describe outcomes from children’s dental services.

How is my child being selected?
The schools chosen for this survey have been randomly selected from a list of State, Catholic and Independent primary schools in each state and territory. Randomly selected students from within these schools will receive a dental examination and their parents/guardian will be asked to complete a questionnaire.

Why is the survey being conducted here?
Child Oral Health Surveys have collected data on children’s dental health since 1977. Information from these surveys is used to provide evidence about variations in the level of dental disease and evaluate the effectiveness of dental services and various forms of prevention including the fluoridation of reticulated water supplies.

What is involved?
With your consent a specially trained Dental Therapist or Dentist will examine your child at school. The exam involves looking at your child’s mouth and teeth to record information on your child’s teeth.

The sterile instruments used are a mirror and a standard dental explorer. The Survey does not involve any dental treatment and no X-rays will be taken. If you consent you will also be asked to complete a parental questionnaire. The questionnaire has been prepared by researchers at ARCPOH, The University of Adelaide. You are asked to return the questionnaire with the consent form in the reply-paid envelope. Researchers at The University of Adelaide will link the dental inspection report with the questionnaire responses and report on the findings to each state and territory health department.

You are free to decline to participate in this study or to withdraw from the study at any time.

Should I complete all questions on the questionnaire?
Every question is important to enable state and territory health departments to develop as complete a picture of our child population as possible. It is therefore important to complete the questionnaire to the best of your ability, as even an incomplete form may still be useful.

What if l object to a question?
AII personal information is strictly confidential. No individuals will be identifiable from the results of the questionnaire. If there is a question which presents particular difficulty for you, or you are uncertain about, please ring FREECALL 1800 733 284 for advice and clarification.

Who gets to know my information?
Only the examination team directly concerned with the project will see the information provided by you. State and territory health departments are responsible for keeping this information safe until it is destroyed once the data are processed. No results of the Survey will refer to individuals. While the results will be published and made available to the state and territory health department and summaries given to the Department of Education and Training and schools in the regions surveyed, no personal information will be identifiable from the results.

How is my confidentiality maintained?
AII documents will be maintained in a secure environment and destroyed after seven years. Electronic data files will be stored on computers with password access by the researchers only for up to seven years and then on CD-ROM for further possible analysis. Any change of policy for research purposes will only occur with specific ethics approval.

Who do I contact if I have any questions?
Information on the National Child Oral Health Survey is available by telephoning 1800 733 284 or via email
Tagged in Research