Centre Publications List 2010

AIHW DSRU Research Reports

AIHW (2010). Age and the costs of dental care: research report series
no. 48. Canberra, AIHW. [DEN 203]

AIHW (2010). Self-rated oral health of adults: research report series
no. 51. Canberra, AIHW. [DEN 206]

AIHW (2010). Socioeconomic variation in periodontitis among
Australian adults 2004–06: research report series no. 50. Canberra, AIHW.
[DEN 207]

AIHW (2010). Trends in access to dental care among Australian adults:
research report series no. 47. Canberra, AIHW. [DEN 205]

AIHW (2010). Trends in access to dental care among Australian teenagers:
research report series no. 46. Canberra, AIHW. [DEN 203]

ARCPOH Population Oral Health Series

Beckwith K, Spencer AJ and Brennan DS (2010). Oral health
in South Australia 2008. Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press.

ARCPOH Published Papers

Working Paper:

Ju X, Spencer AJ and Brennan DS (2010). Oral and maxillofacial surgery
workforce study. Adelaide: The University of Adelaide.

Data Watch:

ARCPOH, Balasubramanian M, Teusner DN and Brennan DS (2010).
Dental specialists in Australia. Aust Dent J (Data Watch) 55(1):96–100.

ARCPOH, Tan HP (2010). Dental visiting and use of dental services among
the Australian older population. Aust Dent J (Data Watch) 55(2):223–7.

ARCPOH, Ju X (2010). Supply and demand for oral and maxillofacial
surgeons and services. Aust Dent J (Data Watch) 55(3):346–50.

ARCPOH, Mejia GC (2010). Dental caries experience among young
Australian adults. Aust Dent J (Data Watch) 55(4):468–71.

Journal Articles:

Akers HF and Armfield JM (2010). Australian opinions on water fluoridation:
do Queenslanders believe differently? J Invest Clin Dent 1(2):65–73.
Amarasena N, Spencer AJ, Ou Y and Brennan DS (2010). Dentine
hypersensitivity – Australian dentists’ perspective. Aust Dent J

Armfield JM (2010). Community effectiveness of public water fluoridation
in reducing children’s dental disease. Pub Health Rep 125(5):655–64.

Armfield JM (2010). Development and psychometric evaluation of the
Index of Dental Anxiety and Fear (IDAF 4C+). Psychological Assessment

Armfield JM (2010). How do we measure dental anxiety and fear and
what are we measuring anyway? Oral Health Prev Dent 8:107–15.

Armfield JM (2010). The extent and nature of dental fear and phobia in
Australia. Aust Dent J 55(4):368–77.

Armfield JM (2010). Towards a better understanding of dental anxiety and
fear: cognitions vs. experiences. Eur J Oral Sci 118(3):259–64.

Armfield JM and Akers HF (2010). Risk perception and water fluoridation
support and opposition in Australia. J Pub Health Dent 70(1):58–66.

Berry JG, Jamieson LM and Harrison JE (2010). Head and traumatic
brain injuries among Australian children, July 2000 – June 2006. Injury
Prevention 16:198–202.

Brennan DS, Singh KA, Liu P and Spencer AJ (2010). Fruit and vegetable
consumption among older adults by tooth loss and socio-economic status.
Aust Dent J 55(2):143–9.

Brennan DS and Spencer AJ (2010). Responsibility loadings for dental
services by general dentists. BMC Health Services Research 10:177.

Brennan DS, Spencer AJ and Roberts-Thomson KF (2010). Dental
knowledge and oral health among middle aged adults. Aust NZ J Pub Health

Crocombe LA, Stewart JF, Barnard PD, Slade GD, Roberts-Thomson KF
and Spencer AJ (2010). Relative oral health outcome trends between
people inside and outside capital city areas of Australia. Aust Dent J

Do LG, Spencer AJ, Slade GD, Ha DH, Roberts-Thomson KF and Liu P
(2010). Trend of income-related inequality of child oral health in Australia.
J Dent Res 89:959–64.

Fitzsimmons TR, Sanders AE, Bartold PM and Slade GD (2010). Local
and systemic biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid increase odds of
periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 37:30–6.

Harford JE and Spencer AJ (2010). Report on a community consultation
workshop on oral health and dental care. Health Issues 103 (Winter):

Jamieson LM, Armfield JM, Roberts-Thomson KF and Sayers SM
(2010). A retrospective longitudinal study of caries development in an
Australian Aboriginal birth cohort. Caries Res 44(4):415–20.

Jamieson LM, Gunthorpe W, Cairney SJ, Sayers SM,
Roberts-Thomson KF and Slade GD (2010). Substance use and periodontal
disease among Australian Aboriginal young adults. Addiction 105:719–26.

Jamieson LM, Mejia GC, Slade GD and Roberts-Thomson KF (2010). Risk
factors for impaired oral health among 18- to 34-year-old Australians.
J Public Health Dent 70(2):115–23.

Jamieson LM, Roberts-Thomson KF and Sayers SM (2010). Dental caries
risk indicators among Australian Aboriginal young adults. Community Dent
Oral Epidemiol 38(3):213–21.

Jamieson LM, Roberts-Thomson KF and Sayers SM (2010). Risk indicators
for severe impaired oral health among indigenous Australian young adults.
BMC Oral Health 10(1):1–11.

Jamieson LM, Sayers SM and Roberts-Thomson KF (2010). Clinical oral
health outcomes in a cross-sectional study of Australian Aboriginal young
adults compared with national-level indicators. Med J Aust 192(10):

Keirse MJNC and Plutzer K (2010). Women’s attitudes to and perceptions
of oral health and dental care during pregnancy. J Perinatal Medicine

Luzzi L and Spencer AJ (2010). Job satisfaction of the oral health labour
force in Australia. Aust Dent J 56(1):23–32.

Megson E, Kapellas K and Bartold PM (2010). Evidence Synthesis:
Relationship between periodontal disease and osteoporosis. Int J
Evidence-Based Healthcare 8(3):129–39.

Mejia GC and Ha DH (2010). Increasing trend in caries experience of
Australian children. Public Health Bulletin of SA 7(3):41–4.

Mejia GC, Jamieson LM, Armfield JM and Slade GD (2010). Is dental
anxiety an etiologic factor in poor dental attendance? Soc Sci Dent

Mejia GC, Parker EJ and Jamieson LM (2010). An introduction to oral
health inequalities among Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations.
Int Dent J 60(3(Supp 2)):212–5.

Parker EJ and Jamieson LM (2010). Associations between Indigenous
Australian oral health literacy and self-reported oral health outcomes.
BMC Oral Health 10:3.

Parker EJ, Jamieson LM, Broughton J, Albino J, Lawrence HP and
Roberts-Thomson KF (2010). The oral health of Indigenous children:
A review of four nations. J Paediatr Child Health 46(9):483–6.

Plutzer K, Mejia GC, Spencer AJ and Keirse MJNC (2010). Dealing with
missing outcomes: lessons from a randomized trial of a prenatal intervention
to prevent early childhood caries. The Open Dentistry Journal 4:55–60.

Roberts-Thomson KF, Do LG, Spencer AJ and Hai DT (2010). The Second
National Oral Health Survey of Vietnam – 1999: variation in the prevalence
of dental diseases. NZ Dent J 106(3):103–8.

Roberts-Thomson KF, Slade GD, Bailie RS, Endean C, Simmons B,
Leach AJ, Raye I and Morris PS (2010). A comprehensive approach
to health promotion for the reduction of dental caries in remote
Indigenous Australian children: a clustered randomised controlled trial. Int
Dent J 60(3(Supp 2)):245–9.

Roberts-Thomson KF, Spencer AJ, Do LG, Hai TD and Nguyen TT (2010).
The Second National Oral Health Survey of Vietnam – 1999: background
and methodology. NZ Dent J 106(2):61–6.

Sanders AE and Slade GD (2010). Apgar score and dental caries risk in the
primary dentition of five year olds. Aust Dent J 55(3):260–7.

Spencer AJ (2010). Denticare aims to bridge the gap – Moving toward
more equitable access. The Australian Hospital and Healthcare Bulletin
Autumn: 98–101.

Spencer AJ (2010). Dentine hypersensitivity: presentation of patients and
dentists’ perceptions about its management. Oral Health Dialogue 1:3–7.

Spencer AJ, Bailie R and Jamieson LM (2010). The Strong Teeth
Study; background, rationale and feasibility of fluoridating remote
Indigenous communities. Int Dent J 60(3(Supp 2)):250–6.

Spencer AJ, Mejia GC and Do LG (2010). Socioeconomic inequality in
oral health of the Australian population. Australasian Epidemiologist
17(3): 20–3.

Tan HP, Lo ECM, Dyson JE, Luo Y and Corbet EF (2010). A randomized
trial on root caries prevention in elders. J Dent Res 89(10):

Williams SD, Parker EJ and Jamieson LM (2010). Oral health-related
quality of life among rural-dwelling Indigenous Australians. Aust
Dent J 55(2):170–6.


Jamieson LM, Kapellas K and Roberts-Thomson KF (2010). Validity of
dental screening questions in an Indigenous Australian young adult
population. Aust NZ J Public Health 35(1):87–8.


Cunliffe D, Spencer AJ, Humpage A, Bi P, Allen N, Do L,
Burch M and Zhang Y (2010). Water quality and public health.
In: Daniels CB (Ed). Adelaide: water of a city. Wakefield Press:
Adelaide, pp. 114–119.

Miller J (2010). The University of Adelaide. In: Tsang AKL (Ed). Oral
health therapy programs in Australia and New Zealand: emergence
and development. Knowledge Books & Software: Varsity Lakes,
Queensland, pp. 99–129.
Tagged in Research