Centre Publications List 2009

AIHW Dental Statistics and Research Series

Armfield JM, Spencer AJ and Brennan DS (2009). Dental health of
Australia’s teenagers and pre-teen children: The Child Dental Health Survey,
Australia 2003–04. Cat. no. DEN 199. Dental Statistics and Research Series
no. 52. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Brennan DS (2009). Oral health of health cardholders attending for
dental care in the private and public sectors. Cat. no. DEN 196. Dental
Statistics and Research Series no. 50. Canberra: Australian Institute of
Health and Welfare.

Chalmers JM, Spencer AJ, Carter KD, King PL and Wright C (2009).
Caring for oral health in Australian residential care. Cat. no. DEN 193.
Dental Statistics and Research Series no. 48. Canberra: Australian Institute
of Health and Welfare.

Ellershaw AC and Spencer AJ (2009). Trends in access to dental care
among Australian children. Cat. no. DEN 198. Dental Statistics and
Research Series no. 51. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and

Luzzi L, Spencer AJ, Roberts-Thomson KF and Jones K (2009). Relative
needs index study, South Australia and New South Wales. Cat. no.
DEN 194. Dental Statistics and Research Series no. 49. Canberra: Australian
Institute of Health and Welfare.

AIHW DSRU Research Reports

AIHW DSRU (2009). Geographic variation in oral health and use of dental
services in the Australian population 2004–06: research report No. 41.
Adelaide, AIHW. [DEN 188]

AIHW DSRU (2009). Oral health impacts among children by dental
visiting and treatment needs: research report No. 44. Adelaide, AIHW.
[DEN 200]

AIHW DSRU (2009). Oral health behaviours in the Australian population
2004–06: research report No. 45. Adelaide, AIHW. [DEN 197]

Data Watch:

ARCPOH, Brennan DS, Do LG (2009). Caries experience of private and public
dental patients. Australian Dental Journal (Data Watch) 54(1): 66–9.

ARCPOH, Armfield JM (2009). Oral health of teenage children in South
Australia. Australian Dental Journal (Data Watch) 54(2): 166–9.

ARCPOH, Roberts-Thomson KF (2009). Oral health and visiting patterns
of Indigenous Australian adults aged 35–54 years. Australian Dental
Journal (Data Watch) 54(3): 271–3.

Journal Articles:

Armfield JM, Slade GD and Spencer AJ (2009). Are people with dental fear
under-represented in oral epidemiological surveys? Social Psychiatry and
Psychiatric Epidemiology 44: 495–500.

Armfield JM, Slade GD and Spencer AJ (2009). Dental fear and adult
oral health in Australia. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology
37: 220–30.

Armfield JM, Spencer AJ and Slade GD (2009). Changing inequalities in the
distribution of caries associated with improving child oral health in Australia.
Journal of Public Health Dentistry 69(2): 125–34.

Bailie RS, Armfield JM, Ehsani JP, Beneforti M and Spencer AJ (2009).
Association of natural fluoride in community water supplies with dental
health of children in remote Indigenous communities – implications
for policy. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 33(3):

Brennan DS and Spencer AJ (2009). Life events and oral-health-related
quality of life among young adults. Quality of Life Research 18: 557–65.

ARCPOH, Do LG (2009). Periodontal diseases in the Australian adult
population. Australian Dental Journal (Data Watch) 54(4): 390–3.

Brennan DS and Spencer AJ (2009). Stability of practice beliefs and
preferences for patients among private general dentists: a comparison of
1997 and 2007. Australian Dental Journal 54: 198–203.

Burgess T, Crocombe LA, Kelly J and Seet P (2009). The effect of cultural
background on the academic adjustment of first year dental students.
ergo 1(2): 5–14.

Crocombe LA, Mejia GC, Koster CR and Slade GD (2009). Comparison of
adult oral health in Australia, the USA, Germany and the UK. Australian
Dental Journal 54(2): 147–53.

Do LG, Spencer AJ and Ha DH (2009). Association between dental caries
and fluorosis among South Australian children. Caries Research 43(5):

Fitzsimmons TR, Sanders AE, Slade GD and Bartold PM (2009).
Biomarkers of periodontal inflammation in the Australian adult population.
Australian Dental Journal 54(2): 115–22.

Harford JE (2009). Population ageing and dental care. Community Dentistry
and Oral Epidemiology 37: 97–103.

Jamieson LM, Mejia GC, Slade GD and Roberts-Thomson KF (2009).
Predictors of untreated dental decay among 15–34-year-old Australians.
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 37: 27–34.

Luzzi L, Jones K, Spencer AJ and Roberts-Thomson KF (2009). Association of urgent dental care with subjective oral health indicators and psychosocial impact. Community Dental Health 26(2): 77–83.

Luzzi L and Spencer AJ (2009). Public dental service utilization among
adults in South Australia. Australian Dental Journal 54(2): 154–60.

Luzzi L, Spencer AJ, Jones K and Roberts-Thomson KF (2009).
Predicting relative need for urgent dental care. Community Dental Health
26(3): 162–9.

Pradhan A, Slade GD and Spencer AJ (2009). Access to dental care
among adults with physical and intellectual disabilities: residence
factors. Australian Dental Journal 54(3): 204–11.

Pradhan A, Slade GD and Spencer AJ (2009). Factors influencing caries
experience among adults with physical and intellectual disabilities.
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 37: 143–54.

Sanders AE, Slade GD, Fitzsimmons TR and Bartold PM (2009). Physical
activity, inflammatory biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid and
periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 36: 388–95.

Sanders AE, Slade GD, John MT, Steele JG, Suominen-Taipale AL,
Lahti S, Nuttall NM and Allen PF (2009). A cross-national comparison
of income gradients in oral health quality of life in four welfare
states: application of the Korpi and Palme typology. Journal of Epidemiology
and Community Health 63: 569–74.

Sanders AE, Slade GD, Lim S and Reisine ST (2009). Impact of oral disease
on quality of life in the US and Australian populations. Community Dentistry
and Oral Epidemiology 37: 171–81.

Sayers SM, Singh G, Mackerras D, Lawrance M, Gunthorpe W,
Jamieson L, Davison B, Schutz K and Fitz J (2009). Australian Aboriginal
Birth Cohort study: follow-up processes at 20 years. BMC International
Health and Human Rights 9: 23.
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