
The School of Allied Health Science and Practice has been at the forefront of research in allied health, with a focus on enhancing healthcare practices and improving patient outcomes.

From the development of virtual reality and gaming technologies to enhance rehabilitation programs for children with autism, identifying potential new treatments for patients with chronic neck pain, exploring health inequities among marginalised people and communities and investigating how the health of the natural environment can impact human health, the School offers a diverse research agenda.

All Students will complete either a research honours or industry honours project as part of their allied health degree. Our Research Honours and HDR students are committed to improving patient outcomes. Supervisors within the School are nationally and internationally recognised in their field.

What is a Postgraduate Coordinator?

In this short video, Associate Professor Tania Crotti (Postgraduate Coordinator) outlines the role and responsibilities of a Postgraduate Coordinator (PGC) during a higher degree by research (HDR) candidature.

Current active PGCs in the School of Allied Health Science and Practice: