Whyalla is one of the largest regional hubs on the Eyre Peninsula. A large population of 22,000 and the benefits of modern shopping facilities make this a vibrant and bustling location. Placements in Whyalla are available in years 4, 5 and 6
Year 4
Nine-week surgical placements are available in Whyalla to Year 4 medical students. During your placement, you will be supervised by experienced rural surgeons, practitioners, and visiting surgeons from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Royal Adelaide Hospital. You will become actively involved in patient management and have the opportunity for hands-on learning by assisting in surgical procedures under appropriate supervision.
Year 5
The year-long placement is an integrated program with opportunities in both the hospital and general practice. Whyalla Hospital boasts a range of specialists in areas such as obstetrics and gynaecology, medicine and anaesthetics, which presents the opportunity for learning blocks in each of the disciplines. There is also opportunity to undertake placement at local GP clinics and work in the emergency department.
Students will also spend a number of weeks in Cummins, a small town approximately 250 km south west of Whyalla, with lots of opportunity to parallel consult and experience primary health care in a general practice and small rural hospital setting.
Year 6
Opportunities for four-week rural general practice placements are available in Whyalla.
Find out more about Whyalla.