Mount Gambier
Situated on the Limestone Coast, Mount Gambier is the second largest city in South Australia with a population of around 30,000. The area is famous for its limestone caves, sinkholes and the Blue Lake. Placements in Mount Gambier are available in years 4 and 6.

Students will be based at the Mount Gambier Hospital, which has recently been upgraded to include new wards and specialist facilities.
Year 4
Mount Gambier offers nine-week surgical placements for fourth year medical students. You will learn under highly experienced rural surgeons, practitioners, and visiting surgeons from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Royal Adelaide Hospital. During your placement you will become actively involved in patient management and have the opportunity for hands-on learning by assisting in surgical procedures under appropriate supervision.
Placements in Mount Gambier are coordinated by Flinders Rural Health SA and you may work alongside medical students from Flinders University during your placement.
Year 6
Opportunities for four-week rural general practice placements are available.
Find out more about Mount Gambier.