News: research
Research Tuesday - decolonising healthcare

Kim O’Donnell and Janet Kelly presented at the University of Adelaide Research Tuesdays.
[Read more about Research Tuesday - decolonising healthcare]
Renal healthcare: Voicing recommendations from the journey of an Aboriginal woman with chronic kidney disease
The article ‘Renal healthcare: Voicing recommendations from the journey of an Aboriginal woman with chronic kidney disease’ has been published.
Kidney International Commentary published
Members of the AKction team published a commentary on decolonising peer review in First Nations Kidney Health research in Kidney International.
Aboriginal patients driving kidney and healthcare improvements
Members of the AKction team published the article ‘Aboriginal patients driving kidney and healthcare improvements: recommendations from South Australian community consultation'.
[Read more about Aboriginal patients driving kidney and healthcare improvements]
Real Ways of Working Together: co-creating meaningful Aboriginal community consultations to advance kidney care
Members of the AKction team published the article ‘Real Ways of Working Together: co-creating meaningful Aboriginal community consultations to advance kidney care’.
Dreaming big: building a movement in Aboriginal kidney healthcare
Croakey sponsored article published
[Read more about Dreaming big: building a movement in Aboriginal kidney healthcare]