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Health journey mapping: Croakey Op Ed
Members of the AKction team published an op ed, discussing the story of how the health journey mapping resource was developed.
Croakey @WePublicHealth Twitter takeover
The AKction team took over Croakey’s @WePublicHealth Twitter account, to share the journey of AKction, and how the team were able to support and send community members to a kidney health conference.
Health journey mapping: Lowitja workshop
Members of the AKction team ran a workshop on the Health Journey Mapping Resource with the Lowitja Institute.
Health journey mapping: resources published on Lowitja website
The Health Journey Mapping resource was published on the Lowitja Institute website.
[Read more about Health journey mapping: resources published on Lowitja website]
Dreaming big: building a movement in Aboriginal kidney healthcare
Croakey sponsored article published
[Read more about Dreaming big: building a movement in Aboriginal kidney healthcare]