Travel and Development Grants 2021 – Round 1

Due to COVID-19, the Travel and Development Grants are a replacement to our standard Travel Grants scheme and is offered to enable final-year PhD students and Early Career Researchers (up to five years post-PhD) to still undertake some form of travel-related conference/research professional development in 2021.

The purpose of the grants is to enable final-year PhD students and Early Career Researchers (up to five years post-PhD):

(i)  to present their research at online/virtual international conferences

(ii) to undertake online/in-person training courses towards career development 

(iii) to travel interstate to undertake lab visits, collaborations or present at a conference.


  • PhD students must be current HDA research members and enrolled in a South Australian university.  
  • Early Career Researchers must be current HDA research members and working in a South Australian university.
  • Previous recipients of travel grants will not be excluded from consideration, but preference may be given to first-time awardees.
  • Open to paid members only. Membership is $20 (exc. GST) for one year, or $50 (exc. GST) for three years. Become a member.
  • Applications for this round can submit their application valid from 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021.

Selection criteria

Applicants will be judged on the basis of:

(i) the quality of their application

(ii) the quality of the training/development opportunity

(iii) the extent of their involvement/contributions to HDA (e.g. length of membership, participation in HDA events)

(iv) their track record of research output, funding success and contribution to their discipline and/or community (volunteering, conference organisation), judged relative to career stage.

Funding conditions

A total of up to $10,000 will be awarded in Round 1. Travel and Development Grants of a minimum of $200 to $1,000 will be awarded to successful applicants. If the travel/development opportunity is <$200, a package of up to three activities may be submitted to reach the minimum threshold.

HDA should be acknowledged in research products originating from the funded activity and, where relevant, the HDA logo (e.g. on conference posters or slides) or other relevant research products originating from the funded activity should be used.

A 500-word report is to be submitted to HDA within four weeks of return from the conference or related career development course/activity outlining the benefits of the conference/course/activity and how it related to healthy development.

Participants must submit proof of payment (receipts) and participation in the conference/development opportunity, and provide the 500-word completion report to receive the funding.

Application process

Applications will close at 5 pm Sunday 31 January 2021. Late applications will not be considered. 

Applicants will be notified of the results after the assessment in February. 

Please email the following documents (no PDFs) to Anne Jurisevic, HDA Executive Officer at

  • Completed application form
  • Abstract or summary of intended/past presentation
  • Outline of development program
  • A short CV (1-3 pages) with track record specified (1 page)


Tagged in travel grants