Body image and motherhood: Implications for practice

Join us for the Healthy Development Adelaide (HDA) and Women’s and Children’s Hospital Grand Round.

Motherhood can be a time of increased vulnerability to body image concerns. A/Professor Ivanka Prichard will cover what we know about body image during pregnancy and postpartum, role modelling positive body image to children, interventions to improve body image among new mums, and how health professionals can support positive body image.  


A/Professor Ivanka Prichard is the Academic Lead in Health Sciences, Deputy Director of the SHAPE Research Centre and a Caring Futures Institute researcher at Flinders University with over 90 peer-reviewed publications. She has a PhD in Psychology and 20 years of experience in the field of body image across the lifespan. Her work with mothers focuses on developing evidence-based resources to promote positive body image, health behaviour and wellbeing and to share these with the community. 


Rachael Yates (HDA Ambassador), Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Women’s and Children’s Health Network.


This event will be held in person at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide and live streamed online via MS Teams.

This event is free and open to everyone to attend from researchers, clinicians, students, government and the community.

The grand round can be viewed here

Tagged in motherhood, pregnancy, postpartum, children, body image