Putting children first: Changing the way we frame parenting to improve child wellbeing in Australia

You are invited to NAPCAN's official SA National Child Protection Week event, organised by NAPCAN in partnership with the Government of South Australia and Healthy Development Adelaide.

Putting children first: Changing the way we frame parenting to improve child wellbeing in Australia

Add value and power to your work by learning how to frame and become part of a growing network that is using framing to change the world for kids and families.

Join our international, national and local experts for a fresh, bold conversation including:

  • The power of the ‘child development frame’ to effect positive change
  • How supporting parents is the key to improving child wellbeing
  • Real-life examples of how the research is changing the way we work
  • Why myths and metaphors matter, and why images of boats and lighthouses are popping up all over the place.

Keynote speaker:

  • Dr Nat Kendall-Taylor, CEO, FrameWorks Institute, United States

Program also includes:

  • Dr Annette Michaux, Director, Parenting Research Centre, Victoria
  • Dr Prue McEvoy, Clinical Director, Women’s and Children’s Health Network, and Lead Psychiatric Director, Department for Child Protection
  • Ms Lindsey Gough, CEO, Women's and Children's Health Network

When: Friday 6 September, 9.30 am - 1 pm (including break for morning tea and networking), registrations from 8.45 am
Where: Ball Room, Hilton Adelaide, 233 Victoria Square, Adelaide
Cost: $35


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