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Renal healthcare: Voicing recommendations from the journey of an Aboriginal woman with chronic kidney disease
The article ‘Renal healthcare: Voicing recommendations from the journey of an Aboriginal woman with chronic kidney disease’ has been published.
Standing Strong Yarning Up Loud

A gathering of South Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses, midwives and student nurses and midwives and Aboriginal maternal and infant care and cultural capability workers and non-Indigenous allies.
Yarning for First Nation Students
The AKction team helped hosted a gathering for First Nations students, with lunch and cultural activities, enabling students opportunity to talk about their experiences.
SA Health Mental Health Social Work HJM Presentation
Members of the AKction team presented the health journey mapping resource at the SA Health Mental Health Social Work Seminar.
[Read more about SA Health Mental Health Social Work HJM Presentation]
Lets yarn about kidney health - Ceduna
The AKction team helped host a community event in Ceduna with 3 November 2022 Yadu Health, to promote the CARI Guidelines and inform community about kidney health.