Anti-Racism Project - Official Launch

The IOHU team have officially launched their Anti-Racism project on the 25th of June, 2024: THE MOUTH AS AN EXPRESSION OF RACIAL INUJUSTICE: Building the evidence to foster an anti-racist dental health system in Australia. The overall aim of this study is to apply evidence and best practice for dental health system changes that foster the provision of anti-racist dental care in Australia.

The project has 3 collaborative objectives:

  1.  Development and implementation an anti-racist curriculum for dental students that can be robustly evaluated. 

  2.  attraction, retention, and wellbeing of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dental workforce, and

  3. development of an oral health promotion training module for Aboriginal Health Workers and Practitioners, that can be comprehensively assessed and disseminated to Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services across the country. 

This research is a collaboration between: Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (including Yadu Health, Moorundi, Umoona Tjutagku), Aboriginal Community members, Indigenous Dental Association of Australia, SA Dental, Australian Dental Association, Ahpra, University of Adelaide, and the Indigenous Oral Health Unit.


The project is led by Joanne Hedges and Dr Brianna Poirier, and funded by the Medical Research Futures Fund until June 2026.

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